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t1_j6hqy5r wrote

Hi. I’m that person from the Philadelphia sub. We’d be rooting for the Steelers because PA love and you guys hate us WAYYY more than we even think about you. I’ve rooted for the Steelers many times.

Edit spelling


t1_j6i1d9d wrote

That’s bullshit. Yinz dump beer on away team fans, verbally harass them, film it, post it, brag about it

Your motto is “Nobody likes us and we don’t care”. Like yinz legit say that as a defense for your immature behavior.

“You guys hate us WAYYY more than we even think about you” is a pretty back handed thing to say. If you don’t even think about us, why can’t I go to a game in Philly dressed in black and gold and not get shit about every 5 minutes? Wear green in Pittsburgh and we’ll buy you a sandwich with fries


t1_j6i2nnx wrote

I will never defend assholes. But every single team has fans that are assholes. The majority of eagles fans are not like that at all. People just love to perpetuate this stereotype. Like most things in life the dumb assholes scream louder than the rest. I’ve been to bars and games with friends wearing Steelers gear and never once have they had beer spilled on them or even been heckled. Most of the time people will go up to them and say oh my grandma is from Pittsburgh.

I have lived in Pittsburgh and I’m from and currently living in Philadelphia. My time in Pittsburgh was spent with people telling me to my face over and over and over how much they hate Philadelphia. They would go out of their way and go on and on. In Philadelphia if you ask people about Pittsburgh, people don’t really have much on an opinion. They’ve either been there or they haven’t. I personally love the city. It’s great. We are far more concerned with our neighboring cities shitting on us because we are not NYC or DC.

Just be happy the flyers suck.

Edit to add: our motto is that because everyone loves to hate us. Someone threw a snowball at Santa 30 years ago and we will never live it down.


t1_j6i5wa3 wrote

Also you’re claiming Pittsburgh hates Philadelphia in a thread where majority are saying it’s ok to cheer for the Eagles. If anything, we hate that we can’t go to games that are just a few hours away in an otherwise lovely city of history, food, and arts, without having to deal with immature people. It may only be a small percent of yinz but wayyyyyy higher than any other city.


t1_j6ieg2e wrote

We just hosted a ton of 49ers in Philadelphia. They spent the week here “trolling” us. I’m sorry you feel like you can’t come to Philadelphia to watch the Steelers once every four years.


t1_j6j720f wrote

Again, you’re trying to defend beer can throwing and direct verbal abuse with something mild. So 49er fans molested the Rocky statue and posted online memes. No direct impact on anyone. They did not ruin anyone’s experience at the game like Eagles fan do getting in peoples faces and throwing things, deflating tires, etc.

Penguins and Pirates play there more often. I went to a Pirates game in August before the Phillies even had a hope for the playoffs. Every time I got up from my seat I had to deal with “Pirates suck!” from multiple people just for wearing my jersey and minding my own business. I would absolutely never take my kids there.


t1_j6jm0by wrote

My point was that the 49ers have been here taunting us all week and no one got violent. No one got beer thrown at them. None of that happened. I provided this example to say that if they can show up for a game that’s going to decide the Super Bowl and not have all these violent things you are talking about happen to them, then so can you.

I get it. We are talking about the city that created Mr.Rodgers. If you are looking for a hug from the opposing team during playoffs, Philadelphia isn’t it. I’ve heard your point. You think Philadelphia is a violent hell hole that no one should ever go to and no child should ever witness. All of Philadelphia fans are meanies who will beat you up and steal your lunch money. Doesn’t seem like anyone is going to change your mind and that maybe you are the reason our slogan is no one like us, we don’t care. Have fun not being in the Super Bowl this year.

Edit: you know I was never defending beer can throwing or any acts of violence carried out by few Eagles fans. It was the first line of my first response. So at this point you’re just making wild generalizations and assumptions to my point that all Eagles fans are not like that. I’m truly sorry you feel unsafe wearing your Steelers jersey in Philadelphia.


t1_j6l0isn wrote

You are a complete child

1 fan bullying a stranger is 1 too many. Philly is known for it. I never said every fan cause of course it isn’t every fan. Not looking for a hug. Looking for you to acknowledge too many of your fellow fans are out of line bullies and then for you to fuck off back to middle school. This is even more simple than your algebra homework


t1_j6i37dd wrote

Find me one video like this in Pittsburgh


t1_j6i7lp9 wrote

You’re telling me if someone walked through a tailgate at the Steelers stadium in that exact situation (home game to decide who goes to the Super Bowl) it’s going to be friendly banter and pleasantries? You’re gonna welcome me with open arms and hand me a beer? As I said I don’t defend assholes. We are a passionate group. But the vast majority of us are not like that. Listen, no one’s asking you to root for the eagles.


t1_j6id800 wrote

Yes. We would give you an Iron City beer and then probably stand around awkwardly. Seriously, find any proof of anything otherwise. You’re defending your fellow fans by making assumptions. Sorry some people told you they don’t like Philadelphia. Doesn’t compare at all to throwing beer cans


t1_j6idgco wrote

I get it. You don’t like Philadelphia sports fans.

AT A PLAYOFF GAME FOR THE SUPER BOWL?!? You’re going to just hang out with your rival team fans?


t1_j6i492z wrote


t1_j6ig1p1 wrote

This “news” piece that you linked actually made me laugh. That was scare tactics 101. Also that’s the same Vikings playoff game. They replayed the same video you linked earlier. Shit got rowdy for sure and wasn’t great but we are FAR FAR from the only team to act like that. I haven’t seen a single video like that about last nights game? Maybe I just haven’t seen them.

I would like to reiterate. I love Pittsburgh. I speak highly of it to anyone I meet. I root for the Steelers when the eagles are out.

Here’s fromlast night.

You’re right though. Hostile.

Edit to add some links.


t1_j6j5mcv wrote

“Please provide proof of other teams fans being assholes”

Proceeds to link videos to Eagles fans being assholes 🤦‍♂️

I hope you’re not a lawyer!


t1_j6jkxd2 wrote

If you think those two links are no more then friendly banter DURING A PLAYOFF GAME FOR THE SUPERBOWL then I think you probably should stay away from Philadelphia. I think maybe you should stay away from sports.


t1_j6l1ea0 wrote

You’re only proving how immature you are. Kids giving strangers middle fingers has nothing to do with sports. Sports are competitive and athletic. Having your kid flip off a stranger isn’t even creative or funny. It’s just dumb.

If that’s something you feel the need to get behind and support, I feel bad for you. Sports are a lot more enjoyable when you focus on the game, not bullying strangers who you have no idea what they’re going through. By all means, talk shit and flip off your friends. I do that but I know how they are and what’s going on in their life.