Submitted by Character-Vast-8601 t3_10lcmo9 in pittsburgh

I drive for a local transit company and we do have cameras recording not only the inside but one in front and back so 9 times out of 10 we will get video of your license plate and our dispatch turns it in to the police. For people doing it, I don’t think your life or a child’s life is worth those few extra minutes you are trying to save to get to your destination.



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Pittman247 t1_j5w46in wrote

Ok, I’ll say it: if you are the one passing a bus stopped for KIDS - fuck you.

ALL kids are important NOT just your kids.


[deleted] t1_j5w7sqb wrote

People doing that aren't the type to care about your PSA unfortunately


Character-Vast-8601 OP t1_j5w7ylr wrote

Oh I know it’s just sad that it happens but at least we do have the ability to report them


skumps814 t1_j5w8x9r wrote

Fuck bad drivers, these assholes would rather kill someone than be one minute late. I want speed humps on every road and for people to drive correctly


xmgm33 t1_j5w9471 wrote

I have absolutely ZERO sympathy for people who get ticketed doing this. Slow down! Pay attention to the road! Kids are so unpredictable, you don’t know where they will be and they run in the street all the time!


merkinmavin t1_j5woov6 wrote

I was on Ohio River Blvd a few years ago near Aurochs Brewing. All four lanes were supposed to stop, but one jagoff decided he was too good to stop. A police cruiser happened to be at the intersection and witnessed it. Pulled the guy over immediately. It was so satisfying to watch.


StaffPsychological56 t1_j5wop7b wrote

Our bus drivers lays on that horn when it happens at our stop. So loud but I appreciate her trying to do what she can to tell people it's not ok. Kids are crossing the road in all directions!!


KentuckYSnow t1_j5ws6fb wrote

Fun fact: over 75% of pedestrians (Adults, kids, whoever) killed in school bus related accidents over a recent 10 year period were hit by the bus rather than other vehicles.

What would probably help reduce this obviously low hanging fruit while also reducing the liklihood of cars hitting kids as they pass the bus would be to stop the ridiculous practice of the driver holding up traffic to let kids cross against the light. Just drop them off, and pull away, THEN the kids can cross the street when it's their turn. If the kids can't handle that on their own, oh idk, have someone older meet them at the bus stop, like say, one of their parents, or a grandparent.


Askeedo34 t1_j5wwvdj wrote

Might be a good idea in highly urban areas to allow kids to cross at lighted crosswalks. Many (most?) Places school busses stop don't have this especially in more rural areas. Additionally many kids don't have a handy older adult that can just show up at the bus stop to pick them up. Unfortunately most people dont live a life of work at home privilege.


gewehr_und_messer t1_j5wxf1m wrote

I’m exhausted by the way people drive anymore. Passing a stopped school bus with their stop sign out is just unacceptable.


Jef_Wheaton t1_j5wy51z wrote

I drove a school bus, 1998-2003. I had the "bad" kids, who went to the "bad kid" school. Justin was one of them.

Justin was 6, a kindergartener with freckles and a mop of red hair. The first day I picked him up, he was wearing overalls and a striped shirt, like Chucky. I never found out what he had done to get sent to that place at age 6.

Every morning, I would pull up and set my red lights/stop sign, make sure traffic had stopped, then motion for him to cross. He had to cross the opposite lane and walk in front of the bus.

One morning, same routine, traffic is stopped, and Justin started across. I don't know why, but that morning he stopped on the yellow line, turned, and waved to his mom. He continued to the bus, and just as he got to my right front corner a silver pickup with a ladder rack passed my bus on the shoulder. It went past so fast I barely saw it, then it disappeared around a bend.

Justin slowly walked around the corner of the bus and climbed the steps, face pale and eyes huge.

I asked him, "You OK, bud? "

He slowly nodded, then continued to his seat. He was unusually quiet for the drive to school.

That little guy was barely the height of my (mini bus) hood. If he hadn't stopped, he would have rounded the corner just as that truck passed my doors. That was 24 years ago, and Justin is 30 now, but I can still see the shock on his face from that close call.


realtabeag t1_j5wyefp wrote

It always seemed like the school buses teach kids very bad road crossing habits.

Most kids don't look at all when coming out from behind the bus and crossing near a giant obstruction like a bus is also high on the list of things not to do.


McJumpington t1_j5x2q21 wrote

I’ve had a bus driver with no lights blinking swing it’s stop sign out after my car had already started passing, during winter at that. Stopping that fast prob would cause me to slide on snow. Anyhow that douche bus driver laid the horn on the entire time.

The same bus (unsure if same driver) picked up kids in front of a house that was a couple houses before a stop sign. After picking up the kids, the bus driver blew right through the stop sign almost slamming into my neighbor driving through the intersection (neighbor didn’t not have a stop sign). Bus driver laid on the horn and was shouting. Neighbor ended up calling the school to report the driver and they didn’t care about witnesses or anything..they said they were going to ask her to show up to court or some shit. It made no sense.

What I learned- bus drivers are equally bad drivers, but are untouchable. Always approach them slowly as it’s what’s right for children safety and quite honestly, you don’t know what those nutcase drivers will do.

There was a massive shortage of bus drivers recently and they didn’t really care who they hired.


cleric3648 t1_j5xbt6y wrote

Running the school bus stop sign is an automatic 2 month suspension and 5 points, plus fine. Anything more than 5 points is a further suspension and fines.


JR_Shoegazer t1_j5xej3t wrote

Why do people post stuff like this on Reddit as if it’s somehow going to reach those people.


DisFigment t1_j5xi9k9 wrote

It’d probably help if companies weren’t so stringent on workers being early / punctual. We’ve ingrained in our society that you HAVE to be early all the time in spite of things like traffic and weather.

A few jobs ago, I had a boss who would log every employee who was even 1 minute late at any time for any reason.


burritoace t1_j5y2bg4 wrote

You're both idiots so you deserve it. How many pedestrians hit by a school bus gave that experience while the bus is stopped and the sign is out? I bet you a $1000 it's not very many!


burritoace t1_j5y2dib wrote

Do the police ever cite based on your recommendations? Would be nice to know this is one thing they actually pursue but I doubt it


sopmaeThrowaway t1_j5ya9i9 wrote

I moved 40 minutes north into suburbia and have already seen it happen 2x this year, even in this closed loop housing plan. People just do not give a F anymore.


Monte2903 t1_j5yb4t0 wrote

I did this by accident as a teen. Literally bus stop right before a stop sign and I thought they were stopped at sign. My moms best friend works for bus dispatch. Boy did i get my ear chewed out that night, she knew within like a half hour of it happening. Luckily they didn't turn me in because it was pretty obvious that it was an accident and I ran the stop sign at like 10mph


KermieJagger t1_j5yfnqk wrote

This, and the people who fly down the street in front of our school while the 15 mph sign is flashing. There are never cops there to regulate but the dividing line between the city and our borough runs down the middle of the street so maybe our town doesn’t have jurisdiction?


Jagoff420 t1_j5yfziv wrote

Whenever I see a bus stop I pull into the other lane blocking anyone from going by


NoSwimmers45 t1_j5yiq0g wrote

I’d support development of spike strips that deploy beside the bus when this happens. Everyone else is stopped so it should only damage the asshole passing a stopped school bus. A few people stranded with four flat tires whose license is now suspended and they receive a massive ticket might make folks start to think twice. Either that or a tar and feather gun that coats their car so everyone knows they’re an asshole.


KermieJagger t1_j5ylfi0 wrote

Those are the people that need to lose their license for an extended period of time. I wish that was a thing. We are rightfully tough (probably not tough enough) on drunk drivers. What about drivers who are just dangerous to begin with?


NSlocal t1_j5ylwte wrote

Should result in a mandatory suspended license on first offense.


CL-MotoTech t1_j5ym7ez wrote

My property is the corner lot and I get like 40 kids, with 3 different busses, waiting on my corner. The big one is like 20 kids. Anyways, every single day people are honking and getting shitty the bus has stopped them. I've seen people yelling out their car windows about it. I don't know why people think they get to yell as school children, but they exist.


New_Acanthaceae709 t1_j5ynmpp wrote

If the police would do anything, that'd fix your problem.

I'm pretty sure that most of the video you send, it goes into the dumpster. I would love to be proven wrong on that.


Affectionate_Shop445 t1_j5yppcp wrote

I see this daily on s Braddock on my way to work, people in a rush to go nowhere.


Artpua74 t1_j5yqupi wrote

Can't believe the way people ride your ass when you adhere to the school speed limit


GargantuanWitch t1_j5ywqsa wrote

This happens pretty regularly in East McKeesport, on Route 30, right across from the GetGo. Police cars will sit in the any of the lots on the side of the highway, just waiting for a bus to stop at the GetGo during a green light, and pull over a whole line of cars who pass it.

A few years ago, I saw it being done intentionally, with an empty bus. THAT'S the kind of police action I can get behind.


CARLEtheCamry t1_j5z0vll wrote

I know someone who lost their license for 6 months, before video/dashcams were common based on a report from a bus driver.

Where I live, they put police in front of school zones at the start of the school year, and if there are any issues with this kind of thing will put a unit at the problem stop and absolutely prosecute to the full extent of the law.


SendAstronomy t1_j5z85v6 wrote

Same goes for any other distracted driving.

Tho this guy wasn't distracted, he definitely refused to make eye contact and was staring straight ahead when he went by in what was a no passing zone anyhow.


LovedAJackass t1_j5z8f8q wrote

Sometimes I find myself being briefly annoyed when the bus has to wait for kids who aren't outside when the bus comes or if a kid is dawdling. But often I see a mom or dad walking behind them, looking left and right, shepherding them to the point where they have to cross the road. It only takes a few seconds to wait until they are on the bus or off the bus and on safe ground, just as it only takes a few seconds to get impatient and ruin lives. Stop. For. Every. School. Bus.


AngryDrnkBureaucrat t1_j5zc51l wrote

Also PAT busses.

Some jackass passed my stopped bus on the shoulder as I was getting off. My hand hurt for a week from repeatedly punching their shitty Rogue as it just missed me.


Top-Satisfaction-158 t1_j5zo222 wrote

i’ve seen school buses start to curve into the other lane when they’re letting kids off to make it so it can’t be passed. sucks it’s such an issue they’ve had to start doing that


jkeyc t1_j5ztr1a wrote

People downtown have just been blatantly driving through red lights lately.


BGkitten t1_j5ztvqj wrote

I can’t believe how entitled drivers have become!!! Just because there is a road and u r in a car, does NOT mean u have the right of way any which way, all the time bc pedestrians are on foot and the “road is meant for cars, after all, and u have responsibility to try to avoid being hit by one.” I am citing what one woman told me when I had similar scuffle on-line few months ago on the topic. (I was banned from the chat, people were up ganging up on me siding with that woman!) bc they could not accept my statement that drivers are responsible for making sure they don’t hit anyone while driving. (Apparently if it is night, dusk, bad weather and u are not wearing or having ur kid wear a flashing leash (wtf is that?) or if the child dashes (like dashes the road to get on the school bus), everyone felt it would be the parent’s fault and not the driver—who has the right of way with this all being a “road accident”) So I am glad I am seeing these comments bc I fing don’t think I should be putting a fuing “flashing leash” on my child for having him cross a street to get on a school bus.


Horror_Financial t1_j60cjy9 wrote

The main problem with this (as is evidenced by my, and im sure every other 'neighborhood facebook group'

is that everyone wnats to high horse and complain when they drive past their kids house or stop. but as soon as they are behind the wheel, they double up the speed limit (before you answer, i know ...i are the 1% that doesn't do this. or more accurately, too self centered to realize you do this)


myeye0 t1_j60kz59 wrote

Pittsburgh people have a serious problem with road rage. No respect, no patience. I’ve literally seen people yield at a traffic light on red and just go straight on about their day. Pedestrians waiting to cross on a crosswalk and literally no one stops. Drivers getting mad at you for following traffic rules. Insanity. Assholes.


myeye0 t1_j60mr77 wrote

It’s a domino effect, isn’t it? Not excusable though, and there definitely are many people out there who just are assholes with no reason to be hauling like that.


monongahellyea t1_j60qdl7 wrote

It baffles me that you don’t have to re-take your drivers test on a regular basis. Like, even every 10 years would be beneficial.


KeisterApartments t1_j60u1qc wrote

This is ridiculous. Have you ever stopped to think about how I might be the most important person on the road??


DisFigment t1_j6181tq wrote

It is. We’ve made a culture of always being a rush to get nowhere.

I always hate seeing drivers weaving throughout traffic only to catch up with them minutes later since they’ll inevitably hit the same lights I do.


sarissa211 t1_j61iuwq wrote

It's just the late parents trying to make sure their kids get there on time.