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[deleted] t1_j5t5ner wrote



happyjazzycook t1_j5t9lif wrote

Yep, my neighbor was all excited to teach from home today and now I wonder if they will still do this or just have everyone come in person.


Marzhall t1_j5tibt5 wrote

Wait, there's no longer snow days for kids? Everyone just does wfh, because the infrastructure is there from the pandemic?


Alexispinpgh t1_j5toj14 wrote

Yep. Some places will just have virtual days, a lot will have “asynchronous” learning days where teachers post assignments online for kids to work on that day.


onedropdoesit t1_j5tu3gk wrote

There are still some real snow days - Pittsburgh Public had one in December. No online school, just a day off. I think we had one or two last year also, in addition to some online days. Not sure how exactly they decide which one to do.


sarahgrace93x t1_j5vpji6 wrote

So Pittsburgh public does the first 2 snow days are completely off. No online work. Once we hit the 3rd day then it would be online.


guino27 t1_j5ukhp4 wrote

Once they set up remote learning, they just flip a switch and learn from home. Best result for the kiddos would be a 2 hour delay. In person learning, but the streets need to be cleared and teachers be able to arrive.


Alexispinpgh t1_j5toch7 wrote

My poor husband spent all of last night refreshing the local news sites. We joked about how he didn’t even care this much about snow days when he was actually a kid.


UselessLezbian t1_j5turpy wrote

Right??? I'm a nanny. The kids were sent home yesterday with all their textbooks in preparation for a zoom day. I was looking forward to a lazy morning not rushing kids out the door. It picked up just in time for me not be able to pull the minivan up the driveway after dropping off the elementary kid.


linuxgeekmama t1_j5vnn98 wrote

Ah! This is why my daughter insisted that I check my email for anything about a school delay this morning. They must have said at her school yesterday that that was likely. I had been wondering why she thought there might be a delay.