Submitted by Previous_Floor t3_10uk1b5 in providence
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7dsmf9 wrote
Reply to comment by misterpeanutsman in Overnight shooting in Pawtucket sends 1 to hospital by Previous_Floor
It has nothing to do with a lack of effort. I don't post on mobile, and the option you mentioned is not available on desktop.
I would like to add text to a link post.
misterpeanutsman t1_j7fjasr wrote
neat, that’s plainly untrue. create a text post, and the third option from the left on your toolbar there? right after bold and italics? that’s a link. just add the link into a text post.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7g04rl wrote
>neat, that’s plainly untrue. create a text post, and the third option from the left on your toolbar there? right after bold and italics? that’s a link. just add the link into a text post.
You lose the picture doing it that way.
And how about discussing the topic? You are purposefully derailing.
misterpeanutsman t1_j7h9tc8 wrote
“you lose the picture doing it that way”?? so you admit that your intent is not to inform, just to stir the pot. at least you’re being forthright for once.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7ha3tk wrote
>“you lose the picture doing it that way”?? so you admit that your intent is not to inform, just to stir the pot. at least you’re being forthright for once.
You are a troll. Discuss the topic or go elsewhere.
misterpeanutsman t1_j7ha9pt wrote
so first you tell me something isn’t possible, then you tell me you’d rather not do it, then i’m a troll. if you’re going to make an argument at least have the conviction to see it through.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7hspqa wrote
And how/what I post is none of your business.
misterpeanutsman t1_j7i0r8h wrote
it’s a community board, all posts are everyone’s business.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7i2wat wrote
You're here to nitpick and distract, not discuss the topic.
misterpeanutsman t1_j7ic0vu wrote
how/what i post is none of your business
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7hsay0 wrote
You're not even making sense.
losing the picture = intent to stir the pot?????
And not sure about r/providence, but what you've suggested (adding commentary to a news submission) is against the rules in r/RhodeIsland. Regardless, your suggestion is not the proper way to submit a link post.
Additionally, there is a difference when posting from mobile versus desktop.
And you're a troll because you are only here to cause trouble.
misterpeanutsman t1_j7i0n70 wrote
i explained how to do it on desktop youre now being intentionally obtuse.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7i4822 wrote
Your suggestion is not the appropriate way to do it...and would violate the rules in the sister subreddit (again, not sure about here).
But why are you even making these odd suggestions? Just looking for something to whine about? Can't find a GoLocal post to complain about? Bored? Or simply trying to get people to forget about the shooting?
misterpeanutsman t1_j7ibgv7 wrote
so you openly admit that you aren’t aware of the rules of this subreddit, and then claim that they should be the same as another subreddit simply because… they’re geographically linked? my suggestions are that if you’re going to post articles, why not add something to the conversation instead of just dropping your crap and leaving it for others to discuss?
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7ihams wrote
Here's the thing, dude. Contrary to the nonsense you're spewing, I often do add information in the comments (street views, neighborhood info, updates, etc.).
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7iiokw wrote
>so you openly admit that you aren’t aware of the rules of this subreddit, and then claim that they should be the same as another subreddit simply because… they’re geographically linked?
I never claimed they should be the same. I am unsure if they are the same. Rule 5 in r/providence is Mod discretion. That means everything doesn't need to be spelled out.
Regardless, I am perfectly content with my posting style and have no plans to change it.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qavys wrote
I read through this whole weird back and forth, and at one point later on you say that it would be against the rules to add text to a link post… but here you say that you would like to do it and you just can’t? Really having a tough time keeping your stories straight here.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7qm54j wrote
It's not your concern. Run along. You're not even from RI.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qmfej wrote
i don’t live in providence? that’s news to me.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7qoooy wrote
u/ryanfingawesome = Peanut Boy alt
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qp08p wrote
huh? i’ve had this account for nine years, it’s my only account. rather than stand behind what you’re saying, you just fall back in insults or misdirection? quite mature of you.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j7qpmrh wrote
> it’s my only account
Yeah and you're from RI also. Coward.
ryanfingawesome t1_j7qt0of wrote
sure thing, pumpkin. whatever you say.
degggendorf t1_j7rah23 wrote
ryanfingawesome t1_j80a3na wrote
weird both those accounts were created within a month of each other too hmmmm
degggendorf t1_j80days wrote
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