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Jay-stevns1204 t1_j7t0w22 wrote

Sad there are no responses to this.I’m not your demographic but I think breweries have taken over , Good luck with your search, but what trope of vibe are you looking for? Locals, music?


Wonderful_Bother9172 t1_j7t5jtv wrote

Scurvy dog and Dusk for punk. Red Door is great. I also really enjoy Kimis, I find it to be less clicky than most bars in the city and it's new so no one can claim it. The owners and staff are all rad humans too. Alchemy and Askew have mixed events so a good place to look into. Edm isn't my thing so I can't help other then to say watch Tight Crew for events. Born and raised in the state and have been going to the clubs here for 30 years and have worked at a few. So if you have any questions about specific places, ask I'll give you whatever feedback I have on them.


keenuwest t1_j7tadri wrote

The salon and sports and leisure are my two favorites. Both really good for walking around, mingling and have really good music. Camp nowhere, troop PVD, Dr.Duffs, Nara, arcade bar, black sheep, hot club, fish co and the Providence G are all also really good bars as well! Hope that gave you a few ideas but i definitely recommend the first two, and arcade bar as well

I know you said you like EDM and Punk rock, not all of these are EDM’ish but maybe from going out you can meet people that might be able to point you in the right direction more