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Indy_420 t1_j99d6ky wrote

An employee was wearing a Q sweatshirt who gives a fuck. Now your gonna boycott the store? just don't even come out of your house if a sweatshirt is gonna offend you, good god your so weak minded. Posting this just goes to show how vicious this subreddit is to any outside views that don't align with MSNBC. OMG look its a person who doesn't agree with my politics.. Get the Pitchforks. "Everyone who is woke must be warned to stay out of Saki's pizza because they have thoughts and opinions that I don't like." This is what I hear when I see this post.


Jackplox t1_j9aa236 wrote

because they’re fascists and fuck a fascist


Indy_420 t1_j9dzhcd wrote

right so because she believes in conspiracy theories she's a fascist in your mind? You sound like your in the liberal cult of left speak. where everything that is not what you believe is either A: racist, B:nazi/fascist, or C: a trumper/maga Keep repeating the buzz words from your bubble.


Jackplox t1_j9jigy8 wrote

no because Q is a right wing extremist group. that also happen to believe in conspiracy theories

you really sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about. please study more about how, for example, fascism rose in europe during the 40s. not just nazis. conspiracy theories were very prevalent, and choosing what truth you want to believe.


Indy_420 t1_j9lnoth wrote

fascism came from social liberal politics. just saying


Coincel_pro t1_j9alh93 wrote

Yeah, typically if I go into a place and discover that it employees fascist cult members I wouldn’t give them my money again, and I would be glad to know places that do so so I can avoid them when possible and feasible.

If a shop had a whites only sign out front, I wouldn’t give them any money, and if they had a Q flag out front, I wouldn’t give them any money. Why this is difficult for some people to understand, might say more about them than the behavior of people wanting to avoid these establishments