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Accurate-Captain6847 t1_j97idor wrote

"Treason is all a matter of dates, and I shall be the patriot and you shall be the traitor when the king returns" - Count of Monte Cristo


Wide_Television_7074 t1_j97iez0 wrote

you must have a lot of time on your hands to stop what your doing to post this nonsense. also, not cool posting photos of people without their consent.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j97jqpu wrote

That’s when you walk out and inform the manager why you’re leaving. Fuck that noise. Go to foster glocester with that bullshit.


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_j97ph2e wrote

I consider myself liberal for the most part but Damn some of the people on here just can't stand hearing or reading things they don't agree with. I personally think it's because they know they're too stupid to discern truth from propaganda so better to just not have to consider it and risk having their minds changed.


Dovahkiin t1_j97uqzc wrote

The evidence for QAnon having any legitimate claim or relevancy has been ubiquitously proven false. It's not a question of "reading things you disagree with" or "being proven a patriot". You both are fucking clowns.


Sarcofaygo t1_j97v88k wrote

Why? Both Donald Trump & Bill Clinton are pedophiles. I don't see why someone who believes in the Q conspiracy about political leaders being pedos is worth throwing a tantrum over.

They weren't evangelizing or anything


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_j97whpv wrote

Of course QAnon is nonsense. Anyone with half a brain knows Hillary Clinton was not overseeing a pedophilia ring in a pizza shop basement or any of the other crap. I never said otherwise. I said you and all the other "progressives" would rather live in a world where only approved ideas are allowed to be discussed freely. Every leftists comeback is always "but Trump!" Come off it already.


TheUnholyHustler t1_j97z3ze wrote

Omg, it's the end of the world!

A weirdo took a picture of another weirdo in a Qanon shirt!

Good thing you came online to cry about it or we never would've known!


AmazingTast t1_j980vjm wrote

Maybe she is just a big fan of the movie White Squall.


Chance_Bad_7437 t1_j981u33 wrote

Not defending QAnon, not really defending anything here except free speech. That includes the right to believe nonsense things. Let her have her sad, misguided little belief. Decry it if you want, but my point stands, you and all your comrades want to censor everything you don't agree with so you only ever get up voted.


cheddercaves t1_j9822t1 wrote

sakis has always been weird and it only got weirder when they remodeled it


Tortankum t1_j985oma wrote

Imagine being so infected with brain worms that you wouldn’t buy pizza from a restaurant that employs people who believe things you don’t.

Guess what. There’s a 95% chance every restaurant kitchen you go to has a trump supporter


JeffFromNH t1_j98afrq wrote

Once you realize that Q is the 45th letter of the alphabet, it all starts to make sense.


Sarcofaygo t1_j98bego wrote

>Are you making an argument FOR pedophilia? What the fuck is wrong with you?

No. I'm alluding to how there is a grain of truth to the Q conspiracy. Both major parties have a former president who is a pedo, and both of them got away with it. So I don't get why I need to throw a tantrum if someone believes in Q


Sarcofaygo t1_j98d921 wrote

How is Bill Clinton and Donald Trump both being pedophiles a mere grain of truth?

The 2016 election was between a pedophile and a woman married to a pedophile.

Gee, maybe that made people suspicious! 🤔

Personally I think Q goes a bit too far, but I completely understand how it started.


Sarcofaygo t1_j98fwxu wrote

You yourself admit there is a grain of truth to it. I just don't think it's worthy of complaining to the manager about honestly

By all reports this establishment is going to close anyways so I doubt a complaint would even matter. In this situation I'd just think to myself that I probably voted differently from this person and then move on with my day


Sarcofaygo t1_j98gntb wrote

I think a lot of people believe ridiculous things. Most major religions are based upon unprovable myths. But I'm not gonna cause a scene if someone is wearing a crucifix necklace.

Personally I wouldn't cause a scene in this situation. I'd just notice it, shrug, and move on with my life. It's not like "confronting" them would change their mind anyways


JuciestDingleBerry t1_j98hvpy wrote

A bit too far? Just a bit? Okay. We won't talk about how many folks in the group are guilty of the thing they accuse everybody else of. They're responsible for domestic terrorism, spreading incredibly dangerous misinformation, and also being anti-trans anti brown and black, and pretty much anti anything straight White male. Let's not downplay them.


Sarcofaygo t1_j98i6f0 wrote

> anti brown and black, and pretty much anti anything straight White male.

To be honest the woman in this photo appears to be a POC

As for misinformation, the 2016 election gave then an opening. Trump was a pedophile and Hillary was married to a pedophile. Both Trump himself and Hillarys husband were linked to Epstein. Who is Q obsessed with? Epstein.


JuciestDingleBerry t1_j98irzy wrote

I didn't say they were all white males. You don't have to be a white male to be a white supremacist and hate people of color and women. I understand that nuances and subtleties probably complicate things for you. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you. Good luck


Sarcofaygo t1_j98jbe6 wrote

Clearly they aren't because she isn't white nor is she male. I get that you feel strongly but ironically seem to be reading a little too much into a small piece of evidence and then extrapolating things that can't immediately be proven


KeepYrGlitterDry t1_j98kex6 wrote

If you know whether that's an employee or owner, it adds some context.


york100 t1_j98t51p wrote

Sad to see this sort of mental poison taking a foothold in RI.


Dinosquid t1_j98z77u wrote

Why does it always seem like the same dipshits who say this also have been crying about Hunter Biden’s Magic Laptop for the last 2 years, or Obamacare, Barrak’s “terrorist fist jab”, caravans at the border …. because the mainstream media told them to.

I know you fucking geniuses copy/paste that weak shit back-and-forth to each other on r/conservative, but c’mon, get a life. You ain’t fooling anyone 😂


mantisMD97 t1_j992bjr wrote

Who gives a shit? Move on with your lives.


everyoneisnuts t1_j997xby wrote

Why wouldn’t you tell the manager or something instead of never going back lol? They probably didn’t even know she had it on or even knew what it was. I wouldn’t have known that’s what it was until reading this post.


Indy_420 t1_j99d6ky wrote

An employee was wearing a Q sweatshirt who gives a fuck. Now your gonna boycott the store? just don't even come out of your house if a sweatshirt is gonna offend you, good god your so weak minded. Posting this just goes to show how vicious this subreddit is to any outside views that don't align with MSNBC. OMG look its a person who doesn't agree with my politics.. Get the Pitchforks. "Everyone who is woke must be warned to stay out of Saki's pizza because they have thoughts and opinions that I don't like." This is what I hear when I see this post.


Darqroom t1_j99lont wrote

Not surprised tbh. I think I recognize the server and they’re related to the owner I’m pretty sure. I stopped giving business to this place when I found out the owner was taking the servers’ tips.


Coincel_pro t1_j9a7w6b wrote

Posts like these are good for letting idiots out themselves. Q cultists are a weird bunch


sophware t1_j9adcku wrote

Every restaurant employs people who believe things I don't.

I eat happily at a lot of them and avoid a bunch of em.

Do the math, in the unlikely event that's possible.


JeffFromNH t1_j9al7un wrote

People might remember JP Harris when he lived and performed in and around New England. I think he may have lived in PVD for a while.

Anyway, he has a great song about Q. Take a listen on the You Tubes.


Coincel_pro t1_j9alh93 wrote

Yeah, typically if I go into a place and discover that it employees fascist cult members I wouldn’t give them my money again, and I would be glad to know places that do so so I can avoid them when possible and feasible.

If a shop had a whites only sign out front, I wouldn’t give them any money, and if they had a Q flag out front, I wouldn’t give them any money. Why this is difficult for some people to understand, might say more about them than the behavior of people wanting to avoid these establishments


WrigleyBum23 t1_j9b86d5 wrote

I’m pretty sure Saki’s regularly fails inspections too so


BronzeAgeGorilla t1_j9bm9fc wrote

I find it funny that a vegan is calling out a cultish group of crazies.


TheUnholyHustler t1_j9dk82h wrote

I was making fun of you.. lol 🤦

I mean, you people aren't the brightest bulbs of the bunch whatsoever, but I definitely didn't think I'd have to spell it out for you.

On one side you have conspiracy theory cuck's like the Qanon bunch. Need I say more?

On the other you have a bunch of virtue signaling tools who get their fix flexing their moral superiority in an effort to appear better than the next person. This is a very common trend within this subreddit/echo chamber.

OP is not only a TOOL, but a HUGE coward.

They even took extra steps to prove so by running to the internet after sneaking a photo of a stranger (like a fucking creep by the way) with their back turned rather than addressing their issue right there and then with the person.

Like I said, cowardly stuff from someone with too much time on their hands. At the end of the day though, that's their curse, not mine.

Good luck with all that!

Bunch of dorks for real.


Indy_420 t1_j9dzhcd wrote

right so because she believes in conspiracy theories she's a fascist in your mind? You sound like your in the liberal cult of left speak. where everything that is not what you believe is either A: racist, B:nazi/fascist, or C: a trumper/maga Keep repeating the buzz words from your bubble.


Coincel_pro t1_j9elhdl wrote

What the hell are you even talking about? If I edited anything it was once a few seconds after I posted because text to speech made an error.

e: you know it says if a post is edited or not right? Just to the right of where your name is on the post? Like yours is above and mine is on this one now? But, the one you're replying to wasn't ever edited at all. Hell of a rant based on the wrong post. Did you forget which sockpuppet account you were logged into? Maybe you were posting to OP on another one?


Sperez04 t1_j9gjnti wrote

I really don’t miss Saki’s at all when I used to attend JWU. Their pizza tasted way greasier than most pizzas I’ve eaten over here in NYC


Jackplox t1_j9jigy8 wrote

no because Q is a right wing extremist group. that also happen to believe in conspiracy theories

you really sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about. please study more about how, for example, fascism rose in europe during the 40s. not just nazis. conspiracy theories were very prevalent, and choosing what truth you want to believe.


BronzeAgeGorilla t1_j9pm782 wrote

False equivalency? A misguided group of morons that will believe just about anything? The only difference is one does harm to society and the other does harm to their own body. Don’t bother replying, you’re way out of your league here.


meme-scraperr t1_ja1fb31 wrote

Lol why is Downtown one of the worst parts of the city