Submitted by GEARHEADGus t3_117hi8s in providence

Don’t remember seeing these before near the woods near crook point (the stuck up bridge) in the bike path.

Was just trying to clean up some litter and noticed those signs.

Wonder if they’re to deter the people that were camping on the shore.

Just dont want to get my balls busted for cleaning up the shoreline.



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V0nH30n t1_j9btq4c wrote

Screw that Rhode Islanders have unfettered access to the Bay at all times, except for private property. That's not private property


GEARHEADGus OP t1_j9bu1kc wrote

Its also apart of the property behind, not the state. I still think its cause of the homeless camps. I doubt anyones gonna say anything, especially if i walk out with a bag full of trash. The amount of discarded needles is disgusting


DingleTheDangle t1_j9ck9cf wrote

Yeah, last fall I remember they cleared out a homeless encampment and put those signs up. I doubt you'd get into any trouble for cleaning up, particularly if nobody is around.


Flashbulb_RI t1_j9cvemg wrote

(1) Thank you for the voluntary cleaning! (2) If you have a trash bag or cleaning tools in your hand and explain the nice deed you're doing I can't imagine it would be a problem. Thanks again!


GEARHEADGus OP t1_j9d48my wrote

I believe the subtitle on the sign is correct. I checked the GIS maps put out by the City of Providence and it says its owned by the nursing home. Again, I don’t think anyone will care - i think its just to deter the homeless and would be needle users.


KennyWuKanYuen t1_j9d5lab wrote

Reading how so many sharps and needles are found there, I feel like it’d be better having a receptacle installed to collect the sharps rather than having them scattered around.


orm518 t1_j9dftaf wrote

I know the state bought up a bunch of land along the shore to extend and connect the bike path to the Washington Bride bike path. So it’s possible the state owns this land and hasn’t been updated on that map? The state was buying just strips not whole lots. Could also be a deeded easement, which would give state some property rights but probably wouldn’t show up on the GIS map.


FNicole86 t1_j9du65o wrote

Please wear good footwear! Thick soled boots perhaps.


KennyWuKanYuen t1_j9fs0ks wrote

I guess maybe it’s a perspective thing. I saw it as the absence of available receptacles that would lead to people throwing them everywhere. But then again, people litter everywhere even with available receptacles, so… ¯\ (ツ)


Duff_Lite t1_j9fuoos wrote

They’ve been up for 2-3 months


Sarcofaygo t1_j9fvh4e wrote

> I saw it as the absence of available receptacles that would lead to people throwing them everywhere.

I see it more as a disregard for humanity kind of thing. Like how sick does someone have to be to just leave a dirty sharp on the ground that could infect a human or animal


huron9000 t1_j9gb0wg wrote

Thanks for doing some cleanup! We need more people like you.


GEARHEADGus OP t1_j9h353y wrote

Really? Strange. I must have never noticed them. Oh well. As fair as I’m aware its not actually state property? And as long as I’m not camping or shooting up, I doubt anyone will care if I pickup junk off the shoreline. Plus the beach is hard to see from the bike path.. and the cops have much more important things haha