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Simon_Jester88 t1_ja7njfe wrote

You want to do something synonymous with gentrification but it can't have a gentrified name...


rustybullrake t1_ja7ogkm wrote

I always thought the West End is to the West Side as College Hill is to the East Side,


No-Barnacle-4030 t1_ja8d56t wrote

Before the influx of gentrification, the west end was where the majority of its residents were either from Guatemala or Cambodia. Those people aren't able to afford living in the West Side. Same goes for College Hill, that was the East side with a majority Black community, which is no longer the case.


Sparkleshart t1_ja8ekmj wrote

Of all the places to take a stand…yeah. Makes sense here. Nothing appropriative about yoga…🤦🏻‍♀️


leavingthecold t1_ja8i7gb wrote

Hold up, wouldn't this be considered cultural appropriation since yoga comes from India?


leavingthecold t1_ja8ilh5 wrote

Please do not put Cambodians and Guatemalans in the same sentence, 2 different pathways to America. Most of the Cambodians moved to greener pasture in Cranston and further out after working and saving. Some moved out of state. There is only a handful who live in the west end for one reason or another.


CocaineSlippers t1_ja8kpsy wrote

Lmfao this has to be trolling. OP has mastered post-ironic thought. BIPOC yoga to escape the semantic gentrification of the west end? Get me off this earth, im belly laughing right now.


Parlor-soldier t1_ja8lepr wrote

I love this take so much, because yoga is as British as it is Indian. Yoga is a mix of Indian meditation practice and British Calisthenics.