relbatnrut OP t1_jamgu1g wrote
According to this, RI Energy's rate is 17.85¢/ killowat-hour, so a reduction to 9.3¢ per kilowatt-hour will be substantial.
fishythepete t1_janusxh wrote
Those are winter rates for RI Energy. The new program launches is in May, which is after Summer rates go into effect (April). Remains to be seen if this will be competitive. Since Providence is buying the energy from NextEra, which is RI Energy’s supplier, and considering RI Energy is not allowed to profit from supply, I don’t think you’re going to see even a cents worth of savings.
Sarcofaygo t1_jaokims wrote
Winter rates are the most important ones
fishythepete t1_jaori6o wrote
Yes. Which is why comparing the summer rates from the program (9.3 c) to RI Energy’s winter rate (17.85) isn’t terribly meaningful.
Sarcofaygo t1_japaro6 wrote
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