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totoop t1_jan6gpz wrote

Gotcha, thanks for the explanation I do now see your point about PVD Community vs RIE. I'm still hung up on this sentence though I suppose;

"The contract awarded to NextEra Energy Services sets the default supply and pricing provided to participating customers to include 10% more renewable energy than the state minimum."

That just seems at odds with;

"...and an option with only the minimum amount of renewable energy...."

What am I missing here? It seems like the default plan option, with the lowest % of renewables, is described as having the state minimum in one place and then described as having 10% more than the state minimum - do I just need another coffee?


degggendorf t1_jan7jkd wrote

No, you're right, I misread. I thought it was saying it's 10% renewable, which is the state minimum, but that's clearly incorrect.

Renewables should theoretically have lower generation costs which would enable lower pricing, but then that doesn't square with the higher % renewable options being more expensive.