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meme-scraperr t1_jbtgs46 wrote

I rode buses every day for 4 years in high school. 2 a day plus a 10 minute walk both ways. Then rode the 66 to URI 4 times a week, 2 buses/20 minute walk. 1.5hrs total each way assuming I don’t miss any buses

RIPTA is OK but anyone who thinks we don’t need to SERIOUSLY overhaul the system has never depended on the buses. It’s nice to have buses when there are no other options. But the shitty drivers, buses running early/late, homeless/crazy people, disgustingly dirty stops/buses (once saw a man urinate into a bottle in the back corner and it spilled everywhere) all make it an unpleasant experience. We need light rail or some kind of fixed car system.

move Kennedy plaza, it’s a huge eye sore downtown. It basically makes downtown into a homeless encampment instead of a city center. Put at least 1 light rail line like how they proposed from Pawtucket through downtown. The park is gross too, it’s too small anyways they should just bulldoze it and rebuild it or sell the land.