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lightningbolt1987 t1_jbsl74z wrote

What does this mean? We grew by 10k since the last census.


Automatic-Attempt-81 t1_jbspgyn wrote

I don’t see that anywhere on the government census website. I see a decrease in population from 2020-2021 (not unusual with COVID).

There is really no argument to be had against the thought that this city is a bit resistant to development.


relbatnrut t1_jbui0t7 wrote

Population, Census, April 1, 2020 190,934

Population, Census, April 1, 2010 178,042

Not sure why this is upvoted. The 2021 number is only an estimate and also is only a decrease of about 700 people from 2020.

The city has also grown every census since 1990, when it had a population of 160,728.


Automatic-Attempt-81 t1_jbuldlz wrote

As it should, I don’t disagree. I think it has potential to grow more than 1% each year lol