Submitted by scoutydouty t3_11o51c8 in providence
fishythepete t1_jbrgnd3 wrote
Reply to comment by lightningbolt1987 in Vicious dog attack on Ring Street today? by scoutydouty
Can’t believe people here in 2023 still blaming the breed any dog raised wrong can be vicious why doesn’t anyone talk about all the people Retrievers and Labs and Collies kill every year!!!1!1
ETA: Can’t believe this needs a /s
lightningbolt1987 t1_jbsjtk1 wrote
For the same reason gun control advocates aren’t trying to ban knives:
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scoutydouty OP t1_jbrsa05 wrote
You needed the /s because there are legitimate people out there who think that way.
Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbstcwb wrote
Reddit hates bully breeds. They’re all confused and think a blood hound won’t rip your throat out, or how goldens are extremely two faced and regularly bite their owners. People love to read statistics on pits and bully’s but refuse to look at stats of other breeds. Any dog can become a destructive force when you don’t meet their needs.
scoutydouty OP t1_jbto9ls wrote
I will happily look at statistics of other breeds and still find that rotties and pitties literally have a disproportionate amount of fatal bites, more than all other breeds combined.
Sure, any dog can bite. But not every dog does it at the same rate. People love to argue it's how they're raised, but I just feel like if that's the case, maybe they shouldn't be allowed to raise those dogs. Maybe those breeds should be banned or require a special license to own, like you must attend dog training classes and dog passes a temperament test or something.
Besides the argument of nature vs. nurture is easily swayed towards nature when you see how a breed with no training will still perform its bred traits. A point dog will point without learning, an Australian Shepard will try and herd its owners without prompt. Breeds are known to be high energy, low energy, have specific behaviors you must train out of them. Not every dog is the same.
I don't hate pitties or rotties, but I strongly believe they shouldn't be family dogs around kids. How many kids gotta get disproportionately mauled before people stop going the "tHeYrE jUsT mIsUnDeRsToOd PiBbLeS"? Or "tHeY wErE nAnNy DoGs?" They were also bred to be fighting dogs for years. And they kill more people than any other breed. Like it's literally a fact.
Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbtvb77 wrote
I’m all for vetting dog owners, I’ll toss you an upvote for that alone. I also agree, all dogs can bite but some do more damage than others. My 90lb classic American bully COULD do more damage than say a chihuahua, but that chihuahua is 5xs more likely to bite. Now you think those chihuahua bites are reported? Or when the neighbors golden retriever gets too excited and nips the neighbors kid. You can’t demonize a whole breed because of the capability. I can promise you with over 10 years of owning and breeding they lack the desire.
thehillshaveI t1_jbunz8q wrote
>My 90lb classic American bully COULD do more damage than say a chihuahua, but that chihuahua is 5xs more likely to bite. Now you think those chihuahua bites are reported?
i think most reasonable people wouldn't see a problem with potentially fatal bites being reported with more frequency than minor nuisance bites.
it's not a competition for quantity of bites.
Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbupv69 wrote
Not when you’re demonizing an entire breed. Specifics matter. Just because the chihuahua can’t kill you doesn’t mean it isn’t trying to. The mentality of the animal should be taken into consideration don’t you think?
thehillshaveI t1_jbus9tj wrote
>Specifics matter
yes they do. like the specific bite force of a chihuahua being 5 psi, vs a pit's 235 psi. that is the specific that matters if that. force is being applied to a human being.
i don't care if the intentions are the same, much like i wouldn't react the same to a murderous mouse vs say a tiger
you're complaining about pit bull bites being reported more like that's the people being bitten's fault. it gets reported more because people need medical attention more. that's not the bite victim's fault
Low-Dragonfly-5352 t1_jbuv2mt wrote
I never said anything was anybody’s fault. I’m talking about a statistic that’s off because a lack of reports on other bites because they either don’t require medical attention or an ER visit. Yes pit bulls have a powerful bite, but it also has a gentle, loving disposition and require a lot to throw that trigger.
You don’t care about intentions? Shouldn’t a dog that’s actually trying to kill be more dangerous than a dog that isn’t?
Lonely_Ad8983 t1_jbt7gqh wrote
My dog is a mixed beagle and rottie small but cute I was denied an apartment because of it and never mentioned it again even after showing her to be beagle sized the lady still said no.
canibringmydog t1_jbszgp1 wrote
Exactly this.
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