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kbd77 OP t1_jd382y0 wrote

NIMBYs and YIMBYs rejoice together! /s

Seriously though, this could address a huge gap that the market doesn't. Very exciting proposal.


dgroach27 t1_jd3gzn9 wrote

If Providence could do public housing similar to Vienna it would be amazing. One can dream.


kbd77 OP t1_jd3j2dx wrote

This sounds somewhat similar to that – the idea isn't to just build ugly block towers to cram poor people into like they did here in the 60s, it's to build modern, appealing living spaces with amenities that are affordable to low-income earners. The example of the building in Maryland that they provided in the article was very encouraging. I hope they stick with that as the goal for this program.


ilostthegamee t1_jd3kvtd wrote

And for buddy deals to contractors all over the state. And for politicians to line their pockets with


dgroach27 t1_jd3kz6m wrote

Affordable and desirable public housing will push rent prices down, push for landlords to provide more, or both. Expect heavy push back from developers on this bill.


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_jd3mcsd wrote

All major arterial urban roads should have 4-6 story buildings lining them with a mixed use design.


Familiar_Ad1485 t1_jd43x04 wrote

The nimby’s will have a field day with this one regardless of wherever they propose. There’s a 100% possibility it ends up in litigation and that $50million gets drained into lawyers pockets. It’s the Rhode Island way!


realbadaccountant t1_jd4d7v8 wrote

This is mostly a good thing, akin to UBI for a small group of means tested people chosen at random. In effect, a lottery will need to be drawn for below market rents if this ever gets built. It will help those who are selected. It will add housing. Those who are not selected will wait years because there will be nothing close to this price for anything good on the market. One thing I didn’t see the article address is what impact this has had in Montgomery County.

The real problem is more housing is needed, period. All types and all densities are necessary to address the problem at hand. Every time you see housing shut down by NIMBYs, you can thank them for existing home prices. Don’t be shocked if this gets the same treatment as Fane Tower. They’re NIMBYs of a different stripe with different beliefs, but the result will be the same - no new housing.


cowperthwaite t1_jd4kzc9 wrote

Please consider a subscription. Current deal is $1 for 3 months.


>The takeaway: Montgomery County acts a "public developer" — meaning that HOC is building new housing on land that it often already owns, rather than simply relying on the private sector to create more units. It's invested $100 million in a revolving fund that's accelerated the construction process and is expected to produce about 1,500 units every four or five years. And it focuses on creating mixed-income housing, also known as “social housing."


Icy-Memory-5575 t1_jd5vq8d wrote

30% will be for affordable housing and the rest would be market value. When rent gets subsidized it goes up not down


cnorl t1_jd6gn5r wrote

That’s only true if rent is subsidized in a market with private owners. Which, granted, that’s what is going to happen.

But it is REALLY important to point out that the state could own the housing and set the price and it would theoretically have the opposite effect.


Icy-Memory-5575 t1_jd6heb3 wrote

I think the state will sell the housing at a very high price and give them an enormous tax break. Prov only has entertainment now and it will become like Boston soon which has the highest percentage of subsidized of any major city. I think the taxes will increase for everyone else too. They approved an empty lot on Valley st for 52 units and it’s for sale for over 1 million. I think they could easily hold it and build themselves but they don’t. . But This is all my opinion


ComradeSalothSar t1_jd89tu2 wrote

Does anyone know how exactly to qualify? Do you just have to make below poverty wages? I'm willing to do that to get free housing.


mehkindaok t1_jdta12m wrote

Housing built by connected developers using taxpayer dollars with zero oversight? That $50M might get you 25-30 studios, if you’re lucky…


meme-scraperr t1_je81nj6 wrote

Too tall I only like triple decker multi families!! Plus it’s so ugly, why doesn’t it look like it was designed in 1926. The birds are gonna fly into it! We need housing projects, maybe a couple of high rises where everyone can stay for free! Not this elitist housing that will be gobbled up by wealthy Russian oligarchs and Saudi princes. And they wanna build it in providence? Not on my watch. The last construction project I supported was completed in 1929. Build it in Worcester!
