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RandomChurn t1_jde4eoc wrote

Haha I was an art student some time ago and I still have all my art supplies.

Maybe check local Facebook de-stash groups for people who dabbled during Covid and moved on?


katieleehaw t1_jdedzsg wrote

That stuff isn’t cheap so I’d imagine most students don’t give it away since they need it. Seconding destash and decluttering groups where crafty people who hoard supplies might be unloading them.


Dry_Faithlessness135 t1_jdema1c wrote

I would go to the RISD website and look at the academic schedule. It should list last class/final crit and possibly move out dates for the freshmen.


Mountain_Bill5743 t1_jdeowzy wrote

RISD used to (still does?) have a yard sale. Mostly clothes, but also some odds and ends donated like drawer sets. Don't recall any art supplies themselves, but I'd give it a shot if they hold the yard sale this year.


bitchnug t1_jder18g wrote

RISD Christmas! Usually the week the kids move out for the summer


V0nH30n t1_jderl02 wrote

Garbage Christmas! Should be in a few months. There's one at the end of May and a big one end of June with smatterings throughout


Efficient_Bird_406 t1_jdewemq wrote

Not sure but I used to get cheap pads of paper and canvases at Ocean State Job Lot. I really liked some of the paper they had. You could probably get everything you need for under $20.


dotknott t1_jdf1l41 wrote

It’s been a long while since I went through RISD move out trash (2006-ish) but I’m pretty sure late May. (Maybe do a google for when graduation ceremonies are…) I remember I got a dozen + artBins one year, two Wacom tablets and all the charcoals/drawing pencils/pastels I needed for several years.

I know that many students will keep their supplies but anyone international (and many on the west coast) likely won’t be taking anything large back with them.


grem111 t1_jdf6g7s wrote

@notsecondlife on Instagram is somewhat of a reincarnation.

Also worth trying the List Arts building at Brown. Public access to the building during business hours and some semesters they have signs advertising a date by which projects and materials must be removed. After that but before it actually happens is a great time


Gorillagirl99 t1_jdfinhp wrote

Join the east side buy nothing group on FB. People donate art supplies occasionally.


talentedtrash88 t1_jdfw4ob wrote

Next week is spring break, marking mid-semester, and graduation is the first weekend of June, so probably the last week and a half of May?


Stu_ruins_art t1_jdg2iqq wrote

It completely changed when Providence gave everyone trash bins. Very sad day in my life. That, and when they turned the old Hospital Trust Tower into a RISD dorm.


dotknott t1_jdhwurx wrote

I remember going to some campus student housing. Unfortunately it was so long ago I’m not sure I could tell you where it was, but I think it may have been brick… maybe Nickerson or Homer hall?

Edit: looking at a map I’m now thinking maybe it was off congden, but I’m not sure.


grem111 t1_jdrln9u wrote

yes, confidence is key! if you look remotely college-aged you should be fine. If not come in with some kind of plausible excuse. it will be the end of the semester so maybe you're a relative visiting a student graduating


yeehawkalian t1_jdt6yey wrote

That’s great! Do u know when would be a good time to start going? Like should I wait until closer to the end of the semester or do they just have stuff out all the time and I could go now?