Submitted by N8710 t3_120or3b in providence

Have 2 tickets for the kid laroi concert at URI tonight. Decent seats, front of section 201.

Sitting at home with a torn ACL, and Ticketmaster has resale turned off for this event.. Yours if you want them. Send me a DM.



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N8710 OP t1_jdipm0r wrote

Tickets are gone, thank you everyone for the kind words.


SideBarParty t1_jdicao3 wrote

You're a good person

Good karma to you!


N8710 OP t1_jdidgez wrote

Thanks. Do you want them? Should be a good show.


SideBarParty t1_jdiyjup wrote

I don't need them. Just wanted you to hear that you're a good human being!


Proof-Variation7005 t1_jdiee4w wrote

damn, ACL tears fucking suck. on the plus side, you're about to get the superhuman ability to know when it's going to rain soon for the rest of your life


N8710 OP t1_jdielrg wrote

Already had that ability from my leg, wrist, and ankle 🤣😂 Sadly not my first rodeo.. But while you’re here, may I interest you in some concert tickets? Lol