Submitted by _holyspokes t3_123tp0q in providence

Hey r/Providence, I'm posting this call to action as a member of the RI Transit Riders:

This Wednesday afternoon the House Finance Subcommittee on Environment and Transportation is considering the budget for RIDOT and RIPTA.  

Bus riders, climate activists, racial and social equity supporters, and homeless advocates: tell the General Assembly RIPTA NEEDS MORE MONEY!

Without an increase in funding, RIPTA's expenses will begin to exceed its revenues in only two years.  If the General Assembly doesn't step in, RIPTA will be forced to start cutting routes and frequency of buses, which will have devastating consequences for riders.

Even if the General Assembly does provide sufficient funding to avoid these cuts, this is not enough.  Two years ago, the General Assembly passed the Transit Master Plan, which is intended to expand and improve public transit throughout the state—to provide service for currently under-served parts of Rhode Island and to increase bus frequency in those urban areas where large numbers of residents take the bus now. 

Unless Rhode Island starts implementing the Transit Master Plan NOW, the state will never reach its climate goals.  We need to make bus ridership more attractive for those who current drive, so we can cut down on vehicle emissions, a leading cause of global warming.

Unless Rhode Island starts implementing the Transit Master Plan NOW, we are perpetuating a transportation system characterized by inequity.  Motorists are getting a $220,000 million state subsidy with the elimination of the car tax—where is the equivalent funding for the Transit Master Plan?  

RI Transit Riders encourages you to testify in person on Wednesday at the Subcommittee hearing.  It will be held in Room 35 of the State House at the "rise of the House," which will be sometime around four pm or later.  These hearings typically continue until 7 pm or later.

While it's most effective to speak at the hearing, if you can't attend, then you can submit written testimony (see the third part of the page).



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zebrawithflowers t1_jdwicno wrote

Clearly you haven't ridden it during the hours people go to work. It's a hell of a lot cheaper than a car, insurance, maintenance, etc., and no parking or speeding tickets!

Edited to add: Environmentally friendlier, too!


UncleJimmee t1_jdxhblu wrote

Yep!! Thanks for the summary and posting this!


lestermagnum t1_jdxvc8q wrote

I can’t find what this subcommittee is considering, or what the proposed budget is. Is there anywhere to find this information? I think the details of what they’re proposing are important to know.


fishythepete t1_jdxw4v8 wrote

I have to imagine that the changes we’ve seen over the last 3 years are probably going to have some long term impact on commuting patterns, maybe we should reevaluate first?


werewolfmanjack t1_jdygh3u wrote

I used to ride the bus - but now that I don’t have to - I would never go back, ever. That said, we should have a world class transportation system in this state for those who do need it.


laterbacon t1_je02pkg wrote

Yea we desperately need more and/or articulated buses for the R line. I was waiting the other day with 5 other people and the bus was so full the driver could only let one of us on and the rest had to wait for the next one.


IllParticular4521 t1_jegexo1 wrote

I’m sure all the insurance payouts to people injured by RIPTA hasn’t helped the budget