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[deleted] t1_je22g8q wrote



Proof-Variation7005 t1_je256d3 wrote

I think only Brown would be gone but they've also got the most students. Nobody might like the jags from brown, but it's fucked up to hold a hearing on this when they wouldn't be around.


[deleted] t1_je266ar wrote



Due-Pickle8392 OP t1_je26zzk wrote

My thinking was that 40+ Brown Students spoke out in person against the first ordinance meeting. Helen Anthony would have a much easier time passing it if these students were not able to voice their opinions


Proof-Variation7005 t1_je28md8 wrote

>2400 students that go to Brown+live off-campus+had spring break.

That is 2,400 students that are directly affected by this proposal. That is not insignificant.

It would be incredible easy to have hearings on this bill at a time when virtually 0 students would be scheduled to be be away.