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lightningbolt1987 t1_iuy8lv8 wrote

Guys: as of 5:30 tonight, opening day, no traffic at all. Some back up to turn into the site at the South Main off ramp but the right lane of that ramp completely clear to pass.

Meanwhile TONS of foot traffic. That formerly dead area of Wickenden now feels completely alive. Can’t wait for the rest of those 195 District parcels to be filled in.


tads73 OP t1_iv1370s wrote

I was there at 1pm, it was dicey for peds and drivers even with a someone managing traffic. I do agree the foot traffic on Wickenden brought out people and added to the energy.


brick1972 t1_iv5he9k wrote

To be fair, a huge part of this problem is that they are still building the apartments and the safety fencing pushes pedestrians into traffic. Which is pretty silly and someone maybe should have come up with something better like building a protected sidewalk for the interim (like finish the ground floor well ahead of the rest and add a standard scaffold with plywood that you get at every urban construction site to allow sidewalks to remain open)

You could argue that the planners should have gotten that construction done before opening the Trader Joe's but presumably there are the usual construction delays and TJ's wanted to get operating before the holidays.

Anyway, obviously the weather had a lot to do with it, but on my lunch break yesterday (went to Geoff's and ate on the bridge) saw no traffic problems from 195 or on Water St., but a ton of people walking with trader joe's bags. We'll see how Saturday goes I suppose. But, with this in mind I want to point out that on Saturdays any of the popular grocery stores are a disaster, with, sure, a notable exception for TJ's in Foxboro which you know, has acres and acres of parking for the Patriots/Revs, and so is pretty chill and easy when the Patriots aren't playing.