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BOKEH_BALLS t1_ivibka3 wrote

Picked clean when I went, but gr8 location.


wenestvedt t1_ivjewrd wrote

What time of day, if you don't mind me asking?


BOKEH_BALLS t1_ivjuxxj wrote

It was around 6:30 PM


2spoopy6me t1_ivjvo7q wrote

I've heard from people who work there that if you go right after they open it's a ghost town for a while. Only works if you have morning availability but that way it's nice a stocked up too!


wenestvedt t1_ivjw2y7 wrote

I wonder if that's just the daily cycle of things: I see that at the Foxboro store, too, when I am up there.

Plus also, it's new, and folks are curious!

But if that persists past the first month, it would change the way I plan trips there.