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Isthis_really2020ugh t1_ivjn60r wrote

Went on Saturday to pick up a couple things. It was beyond busy, and people just STOP in the middle of the aisle with no spatial awareness or concern for other people. It was like construction on 95 every aisle, a complete clusterfuck.

After unsuccessfully trying to find what I was looking for due to shelves that looked like communist era Soviet times (picked clean) I left, marveled at how unaware people are of their surroundings.

TL/DR don't go on a Saturday 😂


Dinosquid t1_ivlt9fs wrote

I went Thursday, opening day, at 1pm and it was much like you describe. People with carriages just standing in the middle of nowhere literally looking up, not even looking at or for food. People turned sideways in the aisle like they’re the main character in this video game. 😂

It’s been significantly slower the last couple days I’ve gone, and less hectic, but I’ve been going before noon to make sure I have a decent selection of prepared foods.

I will say this: even when the line is long, it’s been extremely fast (and friendly) check-out!


AgedParmy OP t1_ivmbkru wrote

I enjoyed reading this very much because i saw the same effing thing when i went. Some of the standing around seemed like college students thinking they were in a school cafeteria or something. Hopefully it isnt always like that!


AbigailFlippinfloppn t1_iw2z7sk wrote

Saying "communist Era Soviet" is redundant and the idea that people were constantly struggling to get enough to eat is propaganda. The greatest decline in quality of life there was when the union fell and capitalist shock therapy began