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aly-moon t1_ivvn0mn wrote

Are you thinking of indoor or outdoor? Do you have a budget? There is always the temple of music and lovely areas in Roger Williams Park and their casino building i know rents... you can rent time in the mansions and buildings from Newport historical... do you have some kind of scenery in mind? Casual? Classic? I could give you some better suggestions...


NIPPLE_MONGER OP t1_ivvss35 wrote

Indoor would be preferable. I'm not trying to spend more than $200 so there's my budget. Vibe doesn't REALLY matter, but leaning classic would be better I suppose. The most important bit is a place where I won't be ruining anyone else's time trying to set up a big ol photo, and hopefully not too far out of Prov.

The only thing I could come up with was to start looking into the rooms for rent at the PPL. So anymore suggestions are greatly appreciated.


aly-moon t1_ivvvro7 wrote

Ok! So... the arcade in providence could be a suggestion. Maybe some of the mills the decorate? Also... many churches in Newport and providence decorate and would take a donation and welcome it. Alot of college historical buildings would allow it. Think salve (ochre court etc), im not sure the athenaeum still decorates but that is a possibility. The John brown house decorates and takes donations. These are just right off the top of my head. Im sure I can come up with more when I'm not right off work and brain dead. I'll see what I can get to spark.


NIPPLE_MONGER OP t1_ivw2j24 wrote

Oh hell yeah. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check them out.


aly-moon t1_ivw2pk9 wrote

Anytime! No problem at all!! I'll see what else I can think of!