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aly-moon t1_iwf7qh7 wrote

It has been a downhill slide for 20 years, getting less and less interesting.


ncastleJC t1_iwgvge0 wrote

What’s really made it worse if I may ask? I don’t pop around there too often.


Chemical-Promotion14 t1_iwjrso8 wrote

The progressive crush of (re)development and rising rent coupled with the rise of the online marketplace.


lightningbolt1987 t1_iwltov2 wrote

There’s great shops in Harvard Square where rents are even higher. Its just terrible tenant selection by Brown and Capstone who own most of the street.

Also, not many young people who aren’t students live around there to be customers of great shops. Why go all the way to Thayer when you can go to Wickenden, Ives, Westminster, Hope, etc, and not feel like you’re intruding on a college party… It is a bummer though—Thayer has a great streetscape.