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Dinosquid t1_iy5ztos wrote

I’m pretty sure the GoLocal posts have reduced by about 90% compared to a few months ago.

It’s been fucking awesome, so don’t jinx it!


PipeLayer2016 t1_iy62d47 wrote

That's because u/previous_floor got called out and cooled it for a bit. But they're back


Afitz93 t1_iy64045 wrote

Fuck he’s back? All the hard work for nothing. I wonder if he’s using more alts again, since u/material-fabulous is gone for good


PipeLayer2016 t1_iy64xac wrote

They are back. Not sure why this sub continues to allow content from sites that tear down this city and posters who love to antagonize people. Especially those that use alts to promote their posts or to get around bans


Sarcofaygo t1_iy6ktha wrote

Hey, since OP refuses to engage with me, could you help me understand what OP is talking about? They haven't offered any specifics and they told me that they won't elaborate. Is there a specific subset of their coverage that slanted? My best guess is crime, but OP wouldn't confirm.


PipeLayer2016 t1_iy6m6mw wrote

They aren't looking to enlighten readers, but to get clicks and that sweet ad revenue.


Sarcofaygo t1_iy6nibq wrote

Every single news website needs clicks and ad revenue to survive. Unless they are being bankrolled by someone, It's a for-profit venture.

What specifically are they doing solely "to get clicks"?

What type of stories do you believe they twist and focus on to get clicks? Is it crime?

I keep asking and for some reason you don't want to tell me... I don't really understand why you are being so enigmatic.

You posted the thread, I'm a fellow Rhode islander, and I wanted to know why you dislike this source so much. If it's so obvious, surely you can tell me a specific reason why.... Right? I sometimes read their articles. Tell me why I should be wary of them. Give me a real example why.


PipeLayer2016 t1_iy6rtlw wrote

Keep fishing. The law and order argument didn't fly on November 8th and it won't get any traction with me. The homicide rate is well below the national average in Rhode Island. 32 in 2020, and in 2022, 19 so far in the state year to date, but no one talks about the other 11, only the 8 in Providence. And golocalprov sure makes it seem like everything is going to hell in a hand basket in PVD if they provide no context for their articles. Most just move along and say, yep I knew that already. Also, I'm done. I'm out.


Sarcofaygo t1_iy6siml wrote

Thank you for finally answering my question!

This is all I was asking for, a specific example of what they were clickbaiting. Now I have my answer and am no longer in the dark. Have a good night


Cycle-path1 t1_iy79jt9 wrote

They engage in fear mongering journalism is the best way to put it. They're not really reporting news that helps anyone in particular but rather tells stories that only stoke people's fear. Nothing productive or useful to the general community.

It's okay to tell the news about something bad but the way they write pushes the narrative past actual journalism/news and goes down the "you should be scared of your community" path.


Sarcofaygo t1_iy79sub wrote

Thanks for the answer. OP eventually gave me an answer that was similar

I will say though, there is definitely an ethical conundrum of what the line is between reporting the news and "stoking fear". On the other end of that spectrum is pretending that everything is all good when there is rising crime. I'd like to think there is a middle ground between fear mongering and white washing


Cycle-path1 t1_iy7a6ms wrote

When some people tend to stay loyal to news outlets and only consume their news stories it can be detrimental to their well being in a way if it's all negative.

I'm not saying there has to be feel good stories about puppies being saved from a villain, but there are plenty of great things to report about in the community that are often overlooked.

I for one would rather read about why our community is successful and thriving!


Dinosquid t1_iy7x14s wrote

It’s the absolute shittiest “news” website there could be. The “news” isn’t even accurate, and it’s usually written by someone who reads/writes at a Middle School level.


Sarcofaygo t1_iy8g5rg wrote

I get that but I don't think that was OPs angle. They were very insistent on the site being a scourge against humanity