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PipeLayer2016 t1_iy6hy6v wrote

Got me good! Oh man. How will I ever recover. I live in Onlyville and just hide in my apartment because of all the crime outside. Also, those deleted comments are mostly yours for being reported.


Previous_Floor t1_iy6iqph wrote

>I live in Onlyville and just hide in my apartment because of all the crime outside



PipeLayer2016 t1_iy6ja78 wrote

It would be nice if you could stop stalking me because you are upset. Also you edited your comment with all of the doxing information you previously posted. Tough on crime, unless it's directed at people you don't like


Previous_Floor t1_iy6lalq wrote

>Also you edited your comment with all of the doxing information you previously posted.

Posting a link to something you wrote on reddit is not doxxing.
