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vegemouse t1_iyjj19k wrote

That is a very poor word choice for a podcast about Jewish people.


zebrawithflowers t1_iyjo9qu wrote

Breaking a glass is a tradition at Jewish weddings, so there's a very positive connotation as well


vegemouse t1_iyju3yj wrote

No I know, I just mean “Broken glass” can invoke two very different feelings to Jewish people.


Rogue-Island-Pirate OP t1_iyjp2j9 wrote

"The Jewish wedding ceremony ends with a famous bang. Stomping on a glass is one of the best-known features of Jewish weddings. Traditionally, the groom did the deed; today the couple often share the honor/pleasure, smashing one or two napkin-wrapped glasses." From:


vegemouse t1_iyjttvw wrote

No I know lol, I’m jewish. “Broken glass” just reminds me of the Night of Broken Glass though, which is an extremely dark moment in Jewish history.


Rogue-Island-Pirate OP t1_iyjxdu9 wrote

I can understand. We, and our ancestors, have lived through many horrible experiences, like Kristallnacht, that have shaped our understanding of the world. Part of that has been our ability to survive, thrive, and celebrate all that has been accomplished over these adversities that we, and our ancestors, have faced. Like the joke goes, "they tried to kill us. We survived. Let's eat."


vegemouse t1_iyjxnte wrote

For sure, I understand that. The podcast seems really interesting and helpful for me regardless of the name though.