Submitted by Previous_Floor t3_zw4z0s in providence
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j1w5cff wrote
It's weirdly unlike GoLocal not to link their related stories when it'd maybe bolster the point but I've found the following:
- A brawl last week at a charter school that had upwards of 15 people involved
- Two thirteen year olds at another charter school being arrested for having knives.
- A fight at Central High School last week where one student had a knife and didn't use it.
- A fight in early December at Central again where a kid was getting beaten up, pulled out a knife and ended up injury the principal that grabbed and tried to disarm him. GoLocal called a stabbing. WPRI made it seem more like he was just inadvertently cut on the arm.
None of that is good, but the way it's senationalized with a first-sentence allusion to the ACI is pretty over the top, even by GoLocal's standards.
Mountain_Bill5743 t1_j1x05lg wrote
Yeah it's weird for an article not to be composed of entirely hyperlink loops to their other articles. They still don't pose any solutions here and it sounds like in each situation the administration handled it well and didn't brush it under the rug (ironically if they had GoLocal wouldn't have any info to sensationalize). Providence has something like 25,000 students to put this into context and charters vary.
It's also worth noting (in case anyone reading this reply is confused) that the charter issues (which I hadn't hear until now) operate completely independently of Providence Public.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j1x62db wrote
Lol, there’s a reason I specified the word charter.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1wczv6 wrote
And here is another article that you may find interesting:
EDITORIAL: Providence Public Schools Administration’s Handling of Violence Raises More Questions
"The administration of Providence Public Schools is under fire by nearly every constituency.
This week's violence and the administration's attempt to mislead parents, community leaders, and the media about the severity of the beating and stabbing at Central High School only goes to further undermine trust."
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j1wf6xc wrote
i didn't particularly find the first editorial interesting to be honest
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1wsyby wrote
You may enjoy this one:
Elorza tells '10 News Conference' he won't send his son to Providence public schools
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1wcfhj wrote
>A fight in early December at Central again where a kid was getting beaten up, pulled out a knife and ended up injury the principal that grabbed and tried to disarm him. GoLocal called a stabbing. WPRI made it seem more like he was just inadvertently cut on the arm.
Here is video evidence:
EXCLUSIVE: Video of Principal Being Stabbed at Central High School
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1v3pbd wrote
All of the recent violence has been in the news.
PipeLayer2016 t1_j1w4hlc wrote
The violence has always been around. GoLocal has figured out a way to monetize it. And some people eat that shit up
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1wdnnu wrote
>The violence has always been around. GoLocal has figured out a way to monetize it. And some people eat that shit up
And some people downplay and/or try to suppress all instances of violent crime in Providence.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1wdnwt wrote
>The violence has always been around. GoLocal has figured out a way to monetize it. And some people eat that shit up
And some people downplay and/or try to suppress all instances of violent crime in Providence.
PipeLayer2016 t1_j1wg2wn wrote
Quote again me for posterity. You keep creeping on people that don't agree with you. I offered to take you out for a drink, but you seem to be happier tearing down RI than building bridges. My drink offer still stands.
Dopey-NipNips t1_j1u0k1z wrote
The only thing worse than a go local prov "article" is a go local prov editorial
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1v3b6a wrote
>The only thing worse than a go local prov "article" is a go local prov editorial
And yet you're not disputing anything that was written. Just a mindless anti-GoLocal rant.
Dopey-NipNips t1_j1v3uhe wrote
An editorial is an opinion.
This opinion came with no evidence. There's nothing to dispute
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1vcdgz wrote
The article contains facts and opinions. You're apparently not disputing the facts. Do you disagree with the opinions?
Evidence? As I said, all of the recent violence has been in the news.
Let's also not forget about the circa 2019 John Hopkins study which put Providence schools among the very worst in the nation and comparable to Baltimore and the South Bronx. There's a reason for that. You simply can't learn in an environment dominated by fear and violence.
Dopey-NipNips t1_j1vfl9z wrote
You know that nobody actually reads your shit right
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1vi7dr wrote
>You know that nobody actually reads your shit right
I feel like I'm talking to an elementary school bully.
Dopey-NipNips t1_j1vmdmd wrote
🤣 You poor thing
PipeLayer2016 t1_j1w5uyg wrote
You should probably be over elementary school by now
PipeLayer2016 t1_j1w3yp9 wrote
We are all tired of GoLocal links because thay are capitalizing on outrage for clicks without any suggestions for change. Easy to be outrageous, very hard to be patient and progressive
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1wyuxs wrote
"patient and progressive"
That's right up there with "cooler and warmer".
Jeb764 t1_j1x92ui wrote
Ooop op just went mask off.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1xagxd wrote
>Ooop op just went mask off.
Previous_Floor OP t1_j1suzr7 wrote
From the article:
"In four weeks, there have been multiple injuries, ambulances, assaults, arrests and felony charges not at the ACI, but at Providence Public Schools.
The incidents have included students, staff, and a principal being injured.
Many of these events involved knives. Others were beatings."
"Presently, the Providence School Department website now lists more than 350 job vacancies.
Teachers and staff are quitting in droves, at a time when there is full employment and workers — especially teachers — can be selective.
Who would take a job in a work environment in which violence and felonies are the norm?"
Mountain_Bill5743 t1_j1tbkvj wrote
There is a semblance of a story here, but its hard to find seeped in how dramatized this is.
There seems to be two loosely related parts that GoLocal is:
violence is increasing in ppsd(?) They don't seem to make this claim directly probably because they don't have any clear data to sort this out. So they just vaguely refer to certain violence.
Teacher vacancy (This is an issue, but there are arguably 100 other reasons contributing to this. I'd be willing to wager that this is probably not even top 5 given the scathing coverage the district gets in other areas). Safety is an issue at every school, including the other districts in the state that break up fights and confiscate items.
But let's say that it is probably true that some Providence schools have more issues with safety than other schools (and some teachers and students feel unsafe). So what's the solution? Don't expect it from GoLocal. They're just going to ask 100 rhetorical questions under the guise of safety, but really in a way that incites fear about the local community.
I encourage you all to volunteer with local organizations that let you meet community members and youth. Stories like this just create divison here.