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Mrmojorisincg t1_j21nkwe wrote

Feel free to dm the hotel and I can let you know if its sketchy, as I know why you wouldn’t want to post it.

On one hand that rent is absurdly cheap considering that the shittiest one bed apartment you may find in a horrible area will be like minimum $1,300 a month with utilities.

On the other hand $13 if you work 40 hours a week is only $520 which is honestly very little money in this area so budgeting will be very tight. That’s also without tax as I don’t know if your arrangement is legit/legal or under the table.

I would also stress that this sort or arrangement is very uncommon in this area and borderlines servitude. So I would be weary of guidelines you are given as red flags. Meaning are you allowed to have guests? Is it an actual room or a servants closet? If you break housing rules what are the results as in do they take money out of your pay? Etc.

Overall, be careful it could be sketchy or it could work out fine. Just make sure you aren’t taken advantage of.