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cheddercaves t1_j2rlhv5 wrote

Ive had an abnormal credit on my gas account last 2 months.


babsonnexus t1_j2satsd wrote


>Rhode Island Energy says it began processing a $63.92 credit on customers’ electric bills and a $64.44 credit on customers’ gas bills issued after November 4, 2022. Customers who receive both electricity and gas from Rhode Island Energy will receive both credits.

If you used less $ than that (or like me also sell solar back to the grid), you will have a zero or negative balance, and hence nothing to pay. You still have a "bill", though, that you can see on their website.


sc00p401 t1_j2sswii wrote

Don't worry they make it all back plus with the rate increases.


psy-ducks t1_j2sum6g wrote

Nope, in fact they sent me a collections bill for the bill I paid early last month.


Fluffy-Fruit-1757 t1_j2tih9u wrote

do they send y’all bots calling you every week too? at first I thought it was spam because they’re asking me to pay a bill that isn’t in my account


Fluffy-Fruit-1757 t1_j6ek3eu wrote

old, but I found out that my new account was messed up and recently had to pay the bills for the last 3 months. my online account was set up to electric instead of natural gas. I recommend calling and asking them to link the account so that you can access the bills to pay them. good luck!