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RandomChurn t1_j3vlb97 wrote


I'd been looking for him every day, and then two days ago came back from doing that and was hugely relieved to see he'd been found.

Went on my usual walks yesterday full of relief that I didn't need to keep an eye out, that he was safe.

Never occurred to me that "found" could mean dead 😣


crypto_amazon t1_j3wh4zo wrote

Deeply sad.

This was a 2 AM bike ride though?

Hopefully more info is released soon.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3y72gq wrote

I'm kind of surprised that any media outlet at all reporting it. The more legit outlets would ignore a story like this unless there's evidence of foul play, a traffic accident, or the discovery of the body was high profile enough where thousands of people saw a large emergency presence.

It doesn't really sound like this checks off any of those boxes. I'm guess GoLocal was just creeping the Instagram/Facebook of someone who made the initial "missing" post or something.