Submitted by lestermagnum t3_108r7hm in providence
[deleted] t1_j3u6plj wrote
First_Place_Finish t1_j3u6vqn wrote
unless i misread.. he was on a bike ride at 2am. they havent said how he died. i think it said he was found on a bike path.
of course it is sad
[deleted] t1_j3uamw4 wrote
First_Place_Finish t1_j3uauzu wrote
its a weird time to take a bike ride.. 2 am in winter...
its sad.. can you imagine his parents.. so proud he went to brown? too bad...but he probably wasnt being safe...?
wil540_ t1_j3uav4y wrote
Rest In Peace
NinjaSant4 t1_j3ubnwi wrote
It was almost 50f on Saturday and how else do you get home if you don't own a car?
"Not safe" apparently means anything outside ever lol
First_Place_Finish t1_j3ucs6p wrote
it want 50 at 2 am, i dont believe.
wrote his roommate in a post. “He was heard from at around 2 AM on Saturday (Jan 7th) morning and is believed to have been on a bike ride.”
thats not getting home... he went for a bike ride
lovecraft_401 t1_j3udb8k wrote
It was in the 30’s and kind of rainy on Friday night, according to historical weather reports. It had rained for days, so maybe the bike path was slippery?
GotenRocko t1_j3ue8nu wrote
Yes they said he went on a bike ride between 2 and 4am. When they said he was found in the other post I thought found alive.
lovecraft_401 t1_j3ueazd wrote
The bike path closes at sundown, so maybe it’s dangerous to ride in the dark?
First_Place_Finish t1_j3ueeje wrote
yes, or you meet shady people.. or who knows?
lovecraft_401 t1_j3uene6 wrote
Yup. We won’t know what happened until they release more info.
[deleted] t1_j3uf50l wrote
First_Place_Finish t1_j3ufqh5 wrote
>he wasnt coming home. he was home and went out at 2-4 am in city on closed bike path it seems
First_Place_Finish t1_j3ug5br wrote
he wasnt riding home. he left home to ride on closed path between 2 and 4 am. not sure he even is a victim. i am not victim blaming. but doesnt sound like such a safe choice, but maybe on purpose... will wait to hear
lovecraft_401 t1_j3ug6ri wrote
The bike path closes at sundown because it’s not safe to ride on in the dark. And because of the lack of information it’s not blaming anyone, it’s total speculation of all the possibilities of what could have happened.
NinjaSant4 t1_j3ug7xe wrote
He was heard from at 2am from a roommate. Sounds like a phone call saying Im leaving xyz place on my way home.
Yall are weird as hell trying to say this was somehow the kids fault because he was out late at night.
NinjaSant4 t1_j3ugcb7 wrote
He wasn't home, he was heard from around 2am. That most likely means call text.
[deleted] t1_j3uhmk4 wrote
First_Place_Finish t1_j3ui41m wrote
only shit slinging is by you.
it's ok to make general inquistive comments on a reddit thread about a healthy young man that dies in middle of night where we live, monkey
hurricanetruther t1_j3ur6hk wrote
Well, since you want to get nasty by calling him "monkey," let's get nasty. By all means.
No one wants to listen to your bullshit speculation on this thread. Ok, to be fair, maybe lovecraft_401. No one else. A man's dead, you have no idea why, have absolutely zero details or inside information, and yet none of that stops you from showing up to basically blame him for being outside and doing something "probably not safe." Show some goddamn respect for the dead or common decency and keep your completely useless Internet sleuthing bullshit to yourself.
Oh, and by the way, no younger woman's ever gonna fuck you, so for God's sake take your super cringe personal ad down. No one cares how many miles you drove around Europe, like what in the fuck is that brag even?
Welcome to Reddit. Now please do everyone a favor and delete your account.
Proclaimer23 t1_j3url79 wrote
Username checks out
First_Place_Finish t1_j3urmux wrote
his name is monkey...
i didnt speculate.. i just noted the somewhat odd 2-4 am bike ride in winter.. that is common sense
and everyone is free to write and read what they want. that is the whole idea of reddit...and the girl i just met who is 20 years younfer than me also says to f off.. fragile loser
Previous_Floor t1_j3us9td wrote
Interesting to me that the anti-GoLocal jackoffs are nowhere to be found on this thread.
I also find it interesting that GoLocal is currently the only local news source covering this.
lestermagnum OP t1_j3ut2je wrote
Other more legitimate media may be waiting until there’s more confirmed news to report, or until family and friends are informed. In typical GoLocal fashion, most of this article is cut-and-paste from a social media post. The only actual reporting is one paragraph about the police confirming that he was found.
Previous_Floor t1_j3utyps wrote
>In typical GoLocal fashion, most of this article is cut-and-paste from a social media post.
And yet you found it worthy of posting. Go figure.
lestermagnum OP t1_j3uuast wrote
Yup, there is one sentence of new and relevant information in that whole article. Good for them.
nodumbunny t1_j3uuhds wrote
And they spell his name incorrectly throughout. (Once is a typo. Multiple times is typical Go Local sloppiness.)
[deleted] t1_j3uyut7 wrote
Critical-Paramedic89 t1_j3vja9l wrote
It's part of his user name. You should change yours to 'wicked big ass clown who can't read worth a shit'.
skippyspk t1_j3vjudq wrote
Dude, would you kindly shut the fuck up and crawl back into whatever Cheeto-encrusted shitstained hole you crawled out of and have some God damned respect.
RandomChurn t1_j3vlb97 wrote
I'd been looking for him every day, and then two days ago came back from doing that and was hugely relieved to see he'd been found.
Went on my usual walks yesterday full of relief that I didn't need to keep an eye out, that he was safe.
Never occurred to me that "found" could mean dead 😣
misterpeanutsman t1_j3vn3na wrote
does anyone have a real news source of this so i don’t have to click on golocal
Dinosquid t1_j3vqcls wrote
It’s sooooo interesting.
Lots of people agree.
First_Place_Finish t1_j3vqys7 wrote
I have the utmost respect. Noone can discuss the death of someone in the news? Your mother is calling you from upstairs. she wants to do your laundry.
MonicaPVD t1_j3vr2z2 wrote
Why would it be dangerous? It cuts through some of the safest communities in the state. Maybe he had a medical emergency? Or took his own life? Why assume something nefarious?
radioflea t1_j3w1md3 wrote
This is very unfortunate but I’m glad they were able to locate him.
I’m not sure what happened but please be vigilant when using the East Bay bike path day or night.
Though it is pretty modern it is poorly lit in certain sections and they’ve had a few notable fatal car accidents over the years and even unfortunately a few attacks in the more secluded sections.
BlueEyedRage t1_j3w6qx1 wrote
Did you see what he was wearing? /s
WickedDog310 t1_j3wa46v wrote
I live on the East Bay Bike Path, there are people on it all hours of the night and that's just fine. We don't say people have to stop using roads after sundown, why should they have to stop using the bike path? This is a tragic death. But that bike path keeps riders and walkers on a protected path away from vehicles, for some people it provides a more direct route to where they're going. Our communities aren't 100% safe, nothing is, but the path is a lot safer than forcing riders to share the road late at night with distracted drivers.
Stop making this about the victim being where he "shouldn't" have been. If it was a health issue, then him riding on the side of the road would have been just as dangerous. If there was something more malicious at play here, then the only person responsible, is the person involved.
EP police drive up and down the bike bath randomly at night, the homeless guy who lived on my section was forced to move, even though he wasn't hurting anyone by living in the woods. The bike path at night is just as safe if not safer than the roads.
[deleted] t1_j3wbqbj wrote
Constant_Step8401 t1_j3wdml4 wrote
RIP Jeff :( my hearts broken for his family, I was childhood friends with him and was very close, praying for him and his family
Previous_Floor t1_j3wfkpo wrote
New article:
Brown Student’s Death - University Issues Statement and Friend Reacts
From the article:
Brown University issued a statement on Tuesday night.
"The death of Jeffrey Schlyer, who was a treasured member of the Brown community since his arrival in 2018, is heartbreaking. Staff from our Campus Life division and Chaplain's Office have been working to support his family and friends. After discussion with Jeff's family, we expect to be able to share a more comprehensive message with the full Brown community early tomorrow," said Brian E. Clark, Associate Vice President for News and Editorial Development at Brown University.
[deleted] t1_j3wfs4w wrote
crypto_amazon t1_j3wh4zo wrote
Deeply sad.
This was a 2 AM bike ride though?
Hopefully more info is released soon.
crypto_amazon t1_j3whcx2 wrote
A bike path at 2 AM is dark, isolated and where vagrants hang out.
Great place to get someone.
It happens all the time.
Very sad.
MonicaPVD t1_j3wmsuz wrote
Ummm, you clearly are not familiar with the communities this path cuts through. Home to NIMBY freaks and police that harrass actual bikers after dark. There are no vagrants there.
crypto_amazon t1_j3wnvgd wrote
Thank you Monica
lovecraft_401 t1_j3wpaky wrote
Is it “harassment” if they’re not supposed to be using it after sundown in the first place? There are a few spots on the path that are in need of repair. They’re dangerous to use in broad daylight, nevermind in the middle of the night after days of rain.
[deleted] t1_j3wq3bp wrote
nodumbunny t1_j3x2wke wrote
No because there is nothing to report and GoLocal knows it.
Jtownusa t1_j3xdx7u wrote
I've made the mistake of losing track of time and riding it back (Providence to Bristol) at night. Some areas are pitch black. At one point I flew by another guy going the opposite direction and didn't see him until we were about a foot apart. If we collided it would have been a disaster. I always ride with lights at light now.
Megs0226 t1_j3xhc5l wrote
I looked around for other sources and can’t find any.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3y72gq wrote
I'm kind of surprised that any media outlet at all reporting it. The more legit outlets would ignore a story like this unless there's evidence of foul play, a traffic accident, or the discovery of the body was high profile enough where thousands of people saw a large emergency presence.
It doesn't really sound like this checks off any of those boxes. I'm guess GoLocal was just creeping the Instagram/Facebook of someone who made the initial "missing" post or something.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3y7ivt wrote
I don't really see anyone else covering it unless something inherently newsworthy comes out about the way he died. Police usually aren't quiet long if they suspect foul play or he got hit by a car or something.
lovecraft_401 t1_j3ybr9f wrote
He was found on Saturday. I imagine if it were in the public interest to know what happened they wouldn’t wait five days to tell people.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3yf63b wrote
Yep. This is either GoLocal needling Brown or acting like they're breaking some scoop because they're first on this "news story"
Knowing what I know about Josh Fenton, I choose to believe this is more of the former.
Previous_Floor t1_j3ykliq wrote
Projo article:
(Open in incognito window)
Brown University mourns student who died in weekend bicycle crash
From the article:
A Brown University student who was reported missing late last week was killed when he crashed his bike inside a construction area near the Henderson Bridge, according to East Providence police.
A medical examiner determined that Jeffrey Schlyer died from a fractured spine and ruled the death an accident, East Providence police Capt. James Nelson said Wednesday.
the_gubna t1_j3ynqmf wrote
If you’re going to bike at night, bright ass headlights and taillights are a worthwhile investment. RIP
nodumbunny t1_j3z0kxy wrote
The ProJo is now reporting it, so if we didn't already know GoLocal makes things up, we do now. In their rush to be the first to "report news" they got several things wrong (when he was found, who found him, the spelling of his name ...) Brown was trying to respect the family, and legit news sources were waiting for actual information to report. Neither seems to be a requirement for GoLocal.
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3z3pdt wrote
I’m guessing they got half a story from a cop and tried to mad lib it? Like, cyclist killed but he wasn’t on a road must mean the bike path
nodumbunny t1_j3z4woo wrote
No, his friends who were searching for him thought he was on the bike path. That was posted here and on FB in their efforts to search for him. GoLocal scrapes social media for "news".
Proof-Variation7005 t1_j3z68zu wrote
Ahhhh I gotcha.
radioflea t1_j3zkx5l wrote
Very sorry for your loss. In the grand scheme of things life is short and it can end just as quickly as it started.
First_Place_Finish t1_j3tzlxf wrote
2 am bike ride? sad