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Locksmith-Pitiful t1_j5hhvli wrote

Francesco's and big cheese


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5jb0tj wrote

Francesco’s on Hope? They don’t have parking. But having said that where in RI is parking a genuine issue - I mean really / we’re not Brooklyn.


Locksmith-Pitiful t1_j5jdkc2 wrote

Francesco's has a good amount amount of parking for both cars and bikes. Both are able to usually park right out front or in their side parking area. I go fairly frequently and go past almost daily, never had an issue.


Status_Silver_5114 t1_j5jiv9c wrote

I always have to park at the dead end just past it. But in the grand scheme of things it’s not terrible. This state is too obsessed with parking anyway!


mantisMD97 t1_j5l8qbv wrote

If OP is being as specific as I’m reading it, Francesco’s is not a pizza restaurant where you can sit and be waited on. It’s a counter service pizzeria.