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pombe t1_j5o3tc6 wrote

When Niemöller wrote "First they came for the Socialists" I guess he was talking about car pooling?


Low-Medical t1_j5o6wqx wrote

He's probably one of those "the Nazis were actually leftists!" intellectual giants.


whatsaphoto t1_j5oux3s wrote

"First they came for the socialists, and I said nothing...

Then they went to McDonalds for a light snack because they were feeling peckish, and I said yes I'll have a number 4 please, thank you very much."


SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_j5p7fil wrote

Well one socialist did create the autobahn. And was really people into the “people”, even made a car company called the people’s car.

Sounds pretty socialist to me.


NotoriousKreid t1_j5pbruy wrote

Lol. Imagine thinking that Nazis were socialist. I guess it’s true about the low IQ requirement for cops