Submitted by Dramatic_Astronomer t3_10jrm9o in providence
katieleehaw t1_j5mgr5w wrote
Our mayor stood up for them. Paul Coogan is not a socialist.
khinzeer t1_j5mhvp3 wrote
I would really like everyone to just chill the fuck out.
Alphabet_Mafia_69 t1_j5mlhk7 wrote
Another reason to like socialists.
Vegetable-School8337 t1_j5mlpt6 wrote
So we have people who want trans people to have rights and a normal existence and acceptance in our world, and we have people who don’t want that, and want them to be excluded from society (to put it way more positively than deserved), and you think that “both sides” need to chill out?
khinzeer t1_j5mm62m wrote
I’m not making a political statement. I’m just saying there was a time when you could have a drag story time and no one gave a shit.
I preferred that.
beerspeaks t1_j5ms0px wrote
You’ve used an awful lot of words to say nothing at all.
kbd77 t1_j5mt5kz wrote
It’s almost like a lot of socialists are queer
longislandtoolshed t1_j5muagl wrote
It's sad that something as simple and innocent as a drag storytime causes such a commotion these days, but here we are.
Vegetable-School8337 t1_j5mud6y wrote
Saying “I wish everyone would chill out” when there are people attacking trans people and people defending trans people “is” a political statement
Alphabet_Mafia_69 t1_j5mv0l6 wrote
Why you getting down voted for asking a question?
AcidJazzHopNB t1_j5mw9tx wrote
In an attempt to be fair to opposing viewpoints, I think more truthfully the “problem” is that actually there never ever ever ever was a time when drag story time was a thing ever, and now it’s a thing and people aren’t sure why.
ghostpepperlover t1_j5mxnjt wrote
Correct me if I’m wrong, but are you asking why other groups aren’t standing up? Judging from your avatar’s t-shirt and your posts, you seem to be pro-lgbtq.
ghostpepperlover t1_j5mxvwj wrote
Because Reddit has become a place where people like rush judgment and a place like Providence is very lgbtq friendly.
airforcereserve t1_j5mzq21 wrote
Looks like pretty tight quarters. I hope these drags have had their quarterly boosters.
[deleted] t1_j5n0vh2 wrote
You’re a drag, so I hope you have.
Dramatic_Astronomer OP t1_j5n186u wrote
People are mistaking my question, which was to encourage discussion, my point is wtf is with all the Nazis in Mass. And its kinda cool the Left is so ready to step up but at the same time where the f--k are the so-called lgbtq rights groups?
newzap t1_j5n7n6a wrote
What a useless larp convention
newzap t1_j5n8yxl wrote
I, for one, dont like nazis OR communists carrying rifles on the steps of a library.
[deleted] t1_j5n9h03 wrote
FourAM t1_j5n9kko wrote
It's almost as if socialism was a boogeyman for the capitalist authoritarians who run the joint
dgroach27 t1_j5n9ohp wrote
They’re not exclusive to Mass
FourAM t1_j5n9qa9 wrote
Ah, the way your post is worded, it was easy to mistake it for being anti-left. Makes more sense now
dgroach27 t1_j5n9uat wrote
If the violent fascists would go away so would the people showing up to protect the targets of the violence.
RepairIllustrious901 t1_j5nbnvm wrote
Aren’t everyone’s outrages annoying?
5teerPike t1_j5nkljq wrote
Is Santa real to you, as an adult?
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_j5no54d wrote
Fascism and socialism go hand in hand so I’m a bit confused as to how fascist can be opposed by socialist and vice versa.
shankthedog t1_j5nzhy1 wrote
C’mon. When the white nationalists showed up last month, he denounced the violence but said everyone has a right for peaceful protest and to be heard. Couldn’t even take a hard stand against nazis. Nope.
pombe t1_j5o3tc6 wrote
When Niemöller wrote "First they came for the Socialists" I guess he was talking about car pooling?
Low-Medical t1_j5o6wqx wrote
He's probably one of those "the Nazis were actually leftists!" intellectual giants.
RandomChurn t1_j5o8b1s wrote
>Fascism and socialism go hand in hand
As Marge Gunderson would say, "I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou."
Coincel_pro t1_j5o8iym wrote
And a lot of us aren't, but we don't want our queer family and friends to be treated any differently than us.
WinsingtonIII t1_j5o9ems wrote
They certainly aren’t exclusive to MA. MA just has a population almost 7 times that of RI so you’re going to hear about just about anything happening more often in MA than in RI.
trimtab28 t1_j5ob2k8 wrote
[ Removed by Reddit ]
mightynifty_2 t1_j5odgeq wrote
They don't though. Fascism and nationalism go hand in hand. Fascism and dictatorships go hand in hand. In a system with checks and balances (when they work properly), fascism shouldn't be a concern.
A fascist is someone who wants the government or dictator to have absolute power over the people. A socialist is someone who believe that tax money should be distributed from the bottom up. Fascism is equally likely to arise in a socialist or capitalist society.
kapuchan_hacker_fuck t1_j5ohjy2 wrote
If trans people don't accept themselves as they biologically exist from nature. Why should everyone else be forced by the government to accept their pronouns, sports participation, and bathroom choice at their whims? Whats next am I allowed to use the force of government to mandate acceptance of my stated adjectives?
kapuchan_hacker_fuck t1_j5ohyzo wrote
Capitalism could exist in a stateless society. You need to separate the statist authorities from your condemnation of capitalism. People have been using capitalism since the dawn of man it's only recently that we've started to notice the political elites at the top of government that have been pulling the strings. It's not the businessmen that create the goods and services that make our lives better that are the problem with society.
kapuchan_hacker_fuck t1_j5oi9vi wrote
You shouldn't be downvoted both ideologies are historically murderous in the 100s of millions, if people read the Gulag Archipelago they would view the Hammer and Sickle with equal contempt as a Swaztica
[deleted] t1_j5oj2yt wrote
Locksmith-Pitiful t1_j5oljkv wrote
One is literally defending people and the other wants to kill them for being who they are. I also didn't see any weapons from the "drag / library defenders."
WickedDog310 t1_j5onwze wrote
Unfortunately we've got plenty of our own here in RI.
HeadyBeersBrah t1_j5oovvx wrote
LOL -- anyone else surprised the goose stepping piggy doesn't know what fascism is?
whatsaphoto t1_j5oux3s wrote
"First they came for the socialists, and I said nothing...
Then they went to McDonalds for a light snack because they were feeling peckish, and I said yes I'll have a number 4 please, thank you very much."
[deleted] t1_j5ov2lb wrote
[deleted] t1_j5ovd4c wrote
whatsaphoto t1_j5oz2tg wrote
> I love Marvel movies, don't get me wrong. But, what are modern kids going to think of super heroes when they grow up? Will they think that all adults dress extravagantly when fighting crime? Or that super heroes are magical crime fighting wizards?
See how silly it sounds? It's almost as if kids develop rational thought as they age that allows them to compartmentalize what is rational and what isn't.
whatsaphoto t1_j5ozo8m wrote
These folks just want to protect drag performers who have been historically targeted by hate groups while also having the audacity to believe housing and healthcare should be affordable.
For gods sake they're not after the second coming of the national socialist party you donut. Get a grip.
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_j5p6crw wrote
I don’t know. Pretty sure the former German party, the Nationalist Socialist Party were pretty fascist.
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_j5p6eun wrote
I mean, there was those Nationalist Socialist Party
secretsofthedivine t1_j5p73v1 wrote
I think it’s fair to say that ideally no one would have guns, but maybe it’s a necessary evil right now
mightynifty_2 t1_j5p75jk wrote
Ah yes, and the "Democratic Republic of Korea" is a haven of democracy. Even so, the fascism comes from the 'Nationalist' part of their name, not the socialist part.
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_j5p79bq wrote
Even so, both part of the same name. Like jumbo shrimp.
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_j5p7fil wrote
Well one socialist did create the autobahn. And was really people into the “people”, even made a car company called the people’s car.
Sounds pretty socialist to me.
riotous_jocundity t1_j5p99zz wrote
People have always traded and often had items that had symbolic value that could be used as money. Capitalism, however, was an invention of just a few hundred years ago in one particular region. It is not universal, it is not that old, and there are many other ways of organizing a society.
mightynifty_2 t1_j5p9vhg wrote
The Nazis were also white. Does that mean all white people are Nazis? Of course not. You're trying to draw conclusions based on repeating stupid shit you've heard online without context. You're a talking point personified.
trabblepvd t1_j5pan6e wrote
Fascism=socialism, and communism go hand in hand with stateism. Nationalism when used talking about socialism or communism isn't the nationalism most understand as pride in their country, but its akin to stateism, meaning putting the nation or the state above the individual, which is essential for socialism/fascism or communism to control resources.
trabblepvd t1_j5paxkh wrote
Mussolini's doctrine on fascism defines fascism as his implementation of socialism.
NotoriousKreid t1_j5pbruy wrote
Lol. Imagine thinking that Nazis were socialist. I guess it’s true about the low IQ requirement for cops
NotoriousKreid t1_j5pbzqo wrote
That’s because there were no weapons on the defenders side
mightynifty_2 t1_j5pc0wi wrote
If this were true, then you couldn't have fascism under capitalism, which you can. Just quit talking about shit with talking points from Brietbart.
NotoriousKreid t1_j5pc984 wrote
Drag story time =/= drag performance.
The story time in Fall River including a book. Talking about MLK, and a craft. There was nothing lewd or not age appropriate……..well aside from the psychopaths outside yelling jibberish about a dildo
trabblepvd t1_j5pcpyh wrote
Go back and re-read the Doctrine on fascism, looks like you missed its key points.
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_j5pdwtu wrote
A lot of liberals have mental health issues, does that mean all liberals have severe mental health issues? Probably.
But yeah, the nazis were socialist. As were the Italians. The North Koreans are something completely different.
But you rarely ever hear of fascists without socialist being tossed in, don’t ya?
SaltyNewEnglandCop t1_j5pdyn6 wrote
I mean, I’m having a blast. It’s all about the fun.
NotoriousKreid t1_j5peofl wrote
It literally says “therefore fascism is opposed to socialism” soooooo no lol
trabblepvd t1_j5pgq1c wrote
You have to read the whole section and not pick one line from it. He rejects groups that divide individuals into class orgs and function independent of the state, but if those groups and their interests under state control, its all good.
>No individuals or groups (political parties, cultural associations, economic unions, social classes) outside the State. Fascism is therefore opposed to Socialism to which unity within the State (which amalgamates classes into a single economic and ethical reality) is unknown, and which sees in history nothing but the class struggle. Fascism is likewise opposed to trade unionism as a class weapon. But when brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State.
Lumeyus t1_j5pho7x wrote
You’re as stupid as your name implies
Curious how the mods on this sub always lock posts where leftists are seen in a positive light.
Lumeyus t1_j5phz40 wrote
Just say you’re transphobic next time and save yourself the effort of typing up bullshit.
NotoriousKreid t1_j5pi55n wrote
"you have to read the whole section" .....goes on to copy and past the whole section that reaffirms my original statement. lol.
Nothing in that statement says its his implementation of socialism. The whole document is him distancing fascism from socialism and aligning itself as the polar opposite. Fascism is the response to socialism, they weren't socialists lol
trabblepvd t1_j5pj9y4 wrote
he rejected groups outside of state control. when I said you have to read the whole section, understanding it was implied in that statement, I didn't think I had to explicitly state 'you have to read and understand the whole section'
The whole document defines a socialist system where the state controls all resources, including labor, and the state is put above the individual.
Edit 'cause comments are locked:
He doesn't reject socialism, he rejects groups functioning outside of state, or not in sync with the state
Read this -> Fascism is therefore opposed to Socialism to which unity within the State (which amalgamates classes into a single economic and ethical reality) is unknown,
As this-> > Fascism is therefore opposed to Socialism to WHICH unity within the State is unknown and WHICH sees in history nothing but the class struggle >The State amalgamates classes into a single economic and ethical reality
Then he says it a little more clearly for trade groups > Fascism is likewise opposed to trade unionism as a class weapon.
The state is an equalizer, there are no classes under fascism, so if a group is divisive on a class basis, its not in line with fascism. if its not in sync with the state, its rejected.
But these groups are all good if they fall under the state. Their concerns are real and they will have an equal seat at the table under fascism.
>giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State
Theres a lot there, you getting it? He rejects class warfare and groups or philosophies that push it, because you know, fascism has eliminated the class divisions. When in sync with the state tho, those groups and philosophies get a seat at the table. There is no rejection of socialism, but a rejection of the basis of it as a divisive class struggle. He sets up a socialist state, where the state has control of all resources(including labor), but its totally not socialism because there is no class struggle or conflict under fascism as that problem was solved.
NotoriousKreid t1_j5pk9jm wrote
so to clarify, fascism rejected groups outside of state control, and all of the practices of socialism. And the doctrine of fascism says that is opposed to socialism. But fascism is socialism..... reading comprehension is real hard huh?
[deleted] t1_j5pl3vz wrote
mightynifty_2 t1_j5pldw7 wrote
The one written by a mad dictator who wanted parts retracted because he changed his mind? That's your source?
Dramatic_Astronomer OP t1_j5m5yoq wrote
Any thoughts on what's going on with our neighbors in Mass? Or maybe how the only people sticking up for LGBTQ people these days are socialists?