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MrSneaki t1_j645dsj wrote

> Zesty

That's a very polite way to describe someone lmao


leavingthecold OP t1_j646lfx wrote

Would use another word but probably get banned.


JohnProvidence t1_j64g3rt wrote

Unsubtle homophobia has entered the chat.


Jtownusa t1_j65brri wrote

Lol wut? I've never hears "zesty" used as a homophobic slur in my life.


leavingthecold OP t1_j64w5zc wrote

How do you know its homophobic?

Maybe I was pointing out to something else


IvoryTowerOnly t1_j65at1t wrote

lol and you're too afraid to even admit it


leavingthecold OP t1_j65burs wrote

well we have a bunch of people on here who can't differentiate from homophobia and a general insult so why bother.


IvoryTowerOnly t1_j65g93q wrote

General insults toward someone that isn't even on the sub won't get you banned, but sure, let's go with that.