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4k5 t1_j6j4mie wrote is the best imo.


cowperthwaite OP t1_j6jkuvr wrote

Freetaxusa is fine if your AGI is below 41k.

>FreeTaxUSA allows anyone with an adjusted gross income under $41,000 to file free federal and state tax returns. For active-duty military, the limit is $73,000.

Last year and this year, I have to file state returns in MA and RI, so the freefile version of TaxSlayer is what I'm using/used, this year and last. Before that, I used the FreeFile version of taxact.


4k5 t1_j6jln8b wrote

In past years I have only had to pay for my state returns on freetaxusa, and even then I use a 10 or 20 percent off coupon which brings it below 30 bucks for a MA/RI return. I will have to confirm that is the case. Does tax slayer do free everything for all AGIs?

Edit: confirmed free federal for everyone, 15 bucks per state when over thresholds mentioned above.


cowperthwaite OP t1_j6jmbhm wrote

From the article:


>TaxSlayer offers free federal filing for those who are 57 or younger with an adjusted gross income limit of $60,000; for active military, the income limit is $73,000.

>TaxSlayer also offers free state returns for Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Vermont, but not Connecticut or Maine. Other state returns cost $39.95.


4k5 t1_j6jml0z wrote

Gotcha so below those AGIs it makes sense. And above likely freetaxusa makes sense.


cowperthwaite OP t1_j6jnr3b wrote

The article breaks down income limits for each program, but:

I don't like paying, so I'd never go with FreeTaxUSA unless my AGI was below 41k.

I'm using TaxSlayer because I have to file returns in RI and MA and don't want to pay.

However, if I didn't have to file a return in MA, for me, TaxAct would be a viable option.