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stuckinamoontop t1_jaels4r wrote

i made posts like this 4 years ago when i started dating my (now) fiancée. i wanted to help her make any changes that would help with any of her symptoms of depression. i got the same advice you're seeing here.

we're still going strong because I put myself in therapy, so that I could do everything in my power to help MYSELF. cause that's the only thing i can control. it seems to have boiled down to "i accept her for everything she is/does" and i work on myself, so i can be supportive, no matter what.


house_ruless OP t1_jaeo2u3 wrote

I'm definitely working on getting myself into therapy as well because I know I'm also not perfect. It's just so expensive and there aren't a ton of resources near us. But I appreciate your perspective, especially from lived experience.