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derangermouse t1_jaf0u3y wrote

You’re not responsible, on any level, for what he does after the theoretical breakup. You may feel guilty, but it’s unfounded. I have been in therapy for 20 years, I have severe depression, anxiety, and I also take medication for ADHD.

If he doesn’t want to do the work, something about his status quo has to change. Unfortunately it might be losing you that is finally the catalyst he needs to improve. He wants to be a stubborn man, that’s on him.


inspiredraven OP t1_jaf14na wrote

It's hard to shake feeling responsible when if he does end up killing himself, I would know that he wouldn't have done it if I had stayed with him. I'm not sure how to move past that.


derangermouse t1_jaf1a62 wrote

You can either be his martyr, or you can be happy. He’s the asshole in the scenario.