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nursehappyy t1_jadydgr wrote

Girl just leave this shit. You know as well as I do he was doing some sketchy shit to begin with.

Why else would he have deleted her and hid her from you? I’m not surprised your emotions were heightened after him lying and gaslighting you about his actions. However, you acted extremely poorly by reacting physically but I’m glad you’re working on yourself and realize how awful it was.

At the end of the day you’re so young and there is clearly a lot of toxicity in this relationship already, totally not worth it.


MsJamieFast t1_jadzjla wrote

you don't trust your boyfriend - break up - or just fight about it. you are not going to magically start trusting him next year..

the phone calls? don't answer calls from numbers you don't know.

you are absolutely right about your bf and his friends - birds of a feather flock together.

good luck!


michuru809 t1_jae2t4q wrote

You should've broken up when you suspected him of cheating- especially after looking through his phone. Trust is dead, move on.

You should be calling the police about the death threats, you should NEVER have been trying to play private detective. You should block all of their phone numbers, including your boyfriend. See your way out of the whole messy situation because you don't know these people, and all they know about you is what your boyfriend tells them- which clearly isn't good because you're getting death threats. Jokes are supposed to be funny- death threats aren't funny.

If your boyfriend told his friends you were the greatest, you probably wouldn't be getting those types of calls.

Yes, breakup with your boyfriend. You should want to be as far removed from people who do these types of things as possible. I also recommend saying less about why you're breaking up- just "you know, I don't think this relationship is a good match so we're breaking up- but I wish you well." and let it go. The busier he is with a new girlfriend- the less his friends will bother you.


DplusLplusKplusM t1_jae3vlv wrote

Sure, you can leave for that reason if you so choose. But if you're currently in treatment for a rage disorder and impulse control issues you'd probably be better off being single for a while anyway. It can be difficult to delve deeply into yourself and try to figure out why you are as you. That process is often easier if you're not at the same time having to worry about a romantic partner's wellbeing and such. Take some time and focus on yourself so you can get better.


Consistent_Wave8067 t1_jae4e4u wrote

i don’t have a rage disorder or impulsive control issues, i’ve been tested. the result of me reacting that way is because that’s how i was raised, and i never realized it was an issue until that moment. my dad has always told me that if someone makes me mad to hit them.