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throwraihatepeople t1_jecc8nn wrote

Wow so strange I see people have commented but all comments show as deleted


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Herbrugglesbezos t1_jed9188 wrote

All of my long term relationships but one began and were conducted in pre-cell phone days. I never went 10 days without talking to the person I was dating!! Even the 2 - 3 days you mentioned is a long time to go without contact with someone you care about and whose company you enjoy.

I'm guessing that she was the one always reaching out first and now that she's stopped doing that to gauge your level of interest, you showed her your level of interest by forgetting she existed for 10 freaking days.

You don't sound terribly enthusiastic about this woman. It has nothing to do with 'this age of constant contact'. Once every 2 - 3 days (and as long as 10 days!!) is hardly 'constant'. sounds like she really isn't on your mind much at all and you rarely have an urge to speak to her and see how she's doing. Cut her loose man.


throwraihatepeople t1_jed97ek wrote

Idk man texting every day is excessive. If you downvote you’re probably super clingy


Herbrugglesbezos t1_jegq49x wrote

I think if you're seeing someone for several months, a text every day or two, even something as small as 'thinking of you and hope you're having a great day' just shows that, you know, you're thinking of them because presumably, you do? Think of them? Like, once every day or two?

It's odd to me that you think one text every day or two is a lot and it sounds like you don't really want a relationship. Sounds like the only thing you 'ruined' is a super casual fuck, which you can find anywhere so why fret about losing this casual fuck?