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HHIOTF t1_jeg1hq9 wrote

She's after your husband. He sounds like a good guy shutting her down like that.

Her intrusive behavior is completely unprofessional.


yuko-mo-me t1_jeg4rfo wrote

She just got married. I don't understand


HHIOTF t1_jeg5szp wrote

Some people have no morals. 🤷🏻‍♀️


pito_wito99 t1_jegs0nv wrote

marriage doesnt mean anything to a lot of people


AsterFlauros t1_jegxhk1 wrote

Some women get off on taking married men, even if they already have a long-term partner. Ex-friend of my husband did the same crap by chasing the married men in her friend group. The thought process is that of someone who derives their self-worth externally through others. It’s a hungry, endless void that is rarely satisfied. The thought process is something like, “Wow, he’s married but he’s throwing it away for me. I must be so amazing!”

If it works and the marriage ends, the married man loses his shine. To fall for her makes him unworthy. So he goes on the shelf while she seeks out other married men.


Tekko50 t1_jegrcd0 wrote

Just got married doesn't mean happily married...


elvaholt t1_jeh3myi wrote

Sounds like the woman hopes OPs husband had the same character defect she has... wanting something that isn't available. I bet her marriage was setup for this purpose


MeatTornadoGold t1_jeh4glm wrote

She's literally complaining. During the honeymoon period. 2+2 is 4.


Rottimer t1_jegpf5t wrote

This is like not understanding why someone that just ate dinner might still want dessert. Some people are just like that.


justaguyintownnl t1_jegxuft wrote

She wants his attention, she is competing with you, whether you are competing or not.


sittingonmyarse t1_jegzhlr wrote

Did she just get married or just have a wedding. Two different things these days. Lots of people want the wedding, but don’t remember that it comes with a marriage attached.


mangababe t1_jeh1x6d wrote

Maybe she's jealous cause her husband sucks?


EjjabaMarie t1_jeh4an1 wrote

Marriage doesn’t make it a happy or healthy relationship, it just means they are married. Also, there are a lot of people who think that marriage/a baby will “fix” an unhealthy or broken relationship.

I can’t say that she’s “after” your husband, but her behavior isn’t okay and your gut is picking up in these cues. Keep communicating with your husband about how she makes you both feel and focus on your marriage. He might have to go to HR about her if she doesn’t stop.


raxafarius t1_jeh4jp9 wrote

She has and always will be a cheater. Married doesn't change shit.


RostinBurgerfinkle t1_jeh4gh5 wrote

Or it could be that she's really unhappy in her own marriage/her husband is awful - she sees your husband as a stellar example of what a husband should be, so she's trying to sense check/gain some perspective. Hence all the questions about your marriage etc. I'd recommend just directly asking her why she's asking all of those questions, in a nice way. Could be she's isolated in her marriage and this is a weird cry for help.


19century_space_girl t1_jeh52f0 wrote

OP, since you observed this at an event, can you contact HR about her harassing him? If not ask him about going to HR because women like that don't stop.