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sugarmag13 t1_jegvnd4 wrote

Do not~

Breaking the cycle means letting it go. Sending anything to him will give him satisfaction. You will not get closure, the last word or a gotcha last word.

You should get some professional help to help you deal with letting go and breaking the cycle.

Do not respond and when he shows up next time tell your H to slam the door in his face. No texts, emails, or calls.


ladymeowskers OP t1_jegynbm wrote

This is helpful. I know this is the right path. I guess I just needed a community vote to make sure I’m not in the wrong. I think that’s that hardest part getting over a long term gaslighting relationship,just validating that your beliefs are true, regardless of the truth.


sugarmag13 t1_jegyu3f wrote

Absolutely We always want to make sure we are making a good choice. Good luck


ladymeowskers OP t1_jegz1pd wrote

Thank you. I think I’m going to write a letter to get it off my chest, but not send it, just burn it at the beach and let the ocean carry my grief away.