Submitted by ThrowRA_73773 t3_11f162x in relationship_advice
Hi everyone, sorry if I make mistakes english is my 2nd language.
So here i go, I’m from France, really great family with my mom (46f), dad (50m), and twin sisters. We are typical mid upper class family but we used to be poor until the birth of my sisters when my father’s business literally exploded and absolutely changing our lives for the better. We are not a perfect family but we are here for each others and I have a really deep bond with my parents since we lived hell back then.
Recently, with me moving to another place for uni, some friends had the great idea to take a dna test (myheritage, 23 and me tupe of stuff) which I find really fun but told everyone my results would not be that exciting since my parents are both european. Now here’s the problem: I’m only half european and the other half from asia (mostly China and a bit of India). I’m absolutely sure no one from my family are from there and I know my my grandparents really well.
As I’m writing this I’m absolutely freaking out that my mom could have cheated from my father. They are together since they’re 18. There were nothing but guenine live between them and mom always supported my father and is ambitious works. I always had exotic features like little tanned skin or my eyes being pretty long (idk if it makes sense) but always thought it was because my maternal granda was tanned too. I really have no one I could tell this right now since my closest friends are all busy with their uni lives.
I’m losing my mind I need advice please, I’m scared to lose my father I absolutely adore him.
Here a little/big update for my previous post this
Like people advised, I try to brought up the dna test like a fun thing to do when I videocalled my parents. While my father laughed and said why not my mom stayed quiet and changed subject. After the call before starting to study a bit my mom texted me.
Basically she kind of scolded me about worrying for stupid stuff like these test and not being focused on my studies. I mean, this semester wasn’t my best but I always had good grades and it never been an issues between us. She literally told me to not bring this idea anymore and just focus on my study.
I really don’t know what to think, I never had this kind of texts from her, we don’t really argue a lot and I’ve always been closer to her (because dad worked a lot when i was young and stuff). I really feel like there is something hidden. I would have forgotten about this test and called it a mistake. But why did she reacted like that god dammit.
I really need to sleep, I don’t think I’ll go to school tomorrow.