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1Killag123 t1_iuj26hg wrote

Well you’re not right but you’re not wrong either.

There’s no “100% this is what a relationship is” deal. Every relationship is different and if he thinks that’s okay then sure that’s fine but if it’s not okay with you then that’s fine too and you need to talk about this with him. You two need to come to an understanding and find some common ground. Maybe he can go to the concert but he can’t stay in the same hotel or something like that. If he won’t budge at all then you have to either compromise and allow this but he has to allow something you want or just end it if you can’t compromise that heavily.

I personally wouldn’t allow that and I would break up if they can’t give that up. Not because I don’t like them anymore but I don’t want to be in a relationship that we don’t agree on this fundamental thing.


Alternative-Wish-186 t1_iuj2p08 wrote

I agree … I have tried talking to him about it but I was always accused of being “overreacting” or “controlling”. I really want to try to convince him that he should set clear boundaries with her, but I don’t really know how to


Own-Writing-3687 t1_iuj7eda wrote

Overreaching or controlling is name calling. It's a major communication fail. It changes the topic from his behavior to yours plus its intended to hurt you.

It's a strategy used because the facts don't support his behavior . He cant explain or justify his behavior so he attacks you by calling you names.

Dump this jerk. He's failed the BF test.


Own-Writing-3687 t1_iuj6umr wrote

Everyone in a committed relationship has an obligation to make the partner feel safe from infidelity.

His behavior is a major fail.

The time and emotions spent on her should be yours. Right now you are sharing him.

His behavior is selfish, entitled, likely deceitful (as to his intentions or sex), and shows zero empathy to you.

Most men would not do this to a woman they loved. You can't change him. Don't argue or explain any further with this selfish jerk.

You deserve better. Ghost him and block this jerk on everything.