hecatonchires266 t1_iuhiujg wrote
Reply to comment by UsefulIncome5187 in My gf 19f and I 20m are currently in long distance and I don’t think I can do it anymore by UsefulIncome5187
Yes that's just visiting but you haven't answered my question.
UsefulIncome5187 OP t1_iuhj0a7 wrote
If I had know the guy for 3 years and lived with him for weeks at a time yes I think I would
hecatonchires266 t1_iuhj6f9 wrote
I still would not do that. Not at that age. Yes she's an adult at 19 and capable of her decisions but still it would be a worry. If she's not ready to move to be with you then don't force it. Let her decide if she wants to.
UsefulIncome5187 OP t1_iuhjbdw wrote
I’ll take that into consideration thank you
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