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thenewbeginnin t1_iugvr9y wrote

Something about this sounds highly unhealthy to me. I'm not sure why you're incredibly picky. I suppose there's nothing wrong with high standards, but at the same time, I feel like you're putting these guys on too high of a pedestal. They seem to be emotionally unavailable. I feel like you're not looking for friends. You're looking for potential partners, and you're correlating the two. And him also being a coworker is pretty fucking convenient too...

I don't know if you're misreading the situation and mentally putting him as this amazing guy when he's just ordinary. Or if you've been led on to thinking, there's a mutual crushing, and you were shattered. But something doesn't seem right.


Treble_Maker18 t1_iugwhdx wrote

The mutual crush misunderstanding definitely happened. It's what prompted me to post, really. I could've added more potentially relevant personal details but I didn't want to make the post super long


thenewbeginnin t1_iugwsk3 wrote

I understand a little more now, but it's still vague. And even though it seems like you're close, he might not be what you think he is. After reading this, I immediately thought F-boy.