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Classic-Tumbleweed-1 t1_iuhjwch wrote

My SO and I went thru this same thing. He moved out after 5 years and for two weeks we had very little contact.

But we reconnected in such a stronger way after about a month and started actually going on dates and making time for each other. We are living together again and are closer than ever.

**Now, before Reddit jumps on the "he was cheating" bandwagon, he never did. I know for 100% fact he wasn't. We have all the same friends and his two BFF's, their wives, his boss and my son who works with him, and his roommate at the time can all testify to how depressed he was and he didn't want anyone but me. I spoke to them regularly to make sure he was ok due to his PTSD and depression.

My point is, you two broke up. But - BUT - if your XBF truly feels like he says he does, this may be something you two can work thru while living separately and working on yourselves while rebuilding your relationship.