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Donutduchess t1_iuhkkty wrote

Ignore the downvotes. Reverse the genders and redditors will hop onto she is cheating.

This is reddit home of the pity a rapist thread.

Heck it was deemed cheating when a woman who went to a work party and didn't update her bf every hour despite answering all his calls.

Men get a huge delusional benefit of the doubt here. There have been stories of women finding underwear in their bf/husband's bed and shit ton of excuses come out.

In fact men are so used to this delusional benefit of the doubt they often feel victimized if they're words aren't automatically seen as facts and their intentions aren't instantly deemed 100% good.


ZealousidealAge7459 t1_iuhpf1k wrote

Are you serious??? Men get the benefit of the doubt??? LOL! It's the complete opposite, and most people will tell you that.


AnotherPalePianist t1_iujbsai wrote

Yeah….idk what gender has to do with any of this, but people are literally allowed to not be happy in their relationships anymore. And that’s good enough reason to end it