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Intheboxalready t1_iyf4tjz wrote

Sorry you had to deal with that kind of abuse. It's amazing that you have this patience with your dad and still desire that he be a part of your life.

If you still at home, you need to move out and separate yourself from this abuse. Counseling/therapy will be helpful. You can invite your parents to be a part of your life, but have healthy boundaries and make them clear to your parents. Let them know how your dad's abusive behavior affects you and that you need to have boundaries . Might even be a good idea to write it in a letter so they have time to reflect on it before responding. Best wishes to you.


Pester_Goblin7123 OP t1_iyf5b7i wrote

I do plan on counseling/therapy soon, as well as moving out with my partner as soon as I have a full drivers license and a few months worth of rent saved up. I didn’t get to adulting right away so it’s taken a while. I can see he’s trying but I don’t think he understands how much of what he’s done has impacted my life. I think part of it was that it was normal punishment for him and a lot of other Native kids, so he thought it was okay for it to happen to me.